has a list of 20 best songs of 2005 from one of it's columns, AudioFile, and they're offering all the downloads from the year. For free.
I think that the music is mostly indie/alternative/techno sort of stuff, but even if that's not your thing, it's 20 free songs. Just download them, and see if you like them.
Oh, the article's here. Enjoy.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Score! Finally a Good Video Hosting Site!
Yay! I finally found a good video hosting site! It's called OurMedia. As far as I can tell, it lets you put an unlimitted amount of video. Very, very good.
To start off, I posted a video of me singing "Invincible" by Stuart Davis. It's funny to watch me screw up, if nothing else. Just click where it says link and enjoy. And just ignore all the "my other works." They're all mistakes made pre-me-understanding-the-site.
Well, it's now 1:18, so I guess I'll go to bed. But look what mine insomnia hath wrought!
PS - Dude, I can totally put up any/all of the videos we've ever made now! Score.
To start off, I posted a video of me singing "Invincible" by Stuart Davis. It's funny to watch me screw up, if nothing else. Just click where it says link and enjoy. And just ignore all the "my other works." They're all mistakes made pre-me-understanding-the-site.
Well, it's now 1:18, so I guess I'll go to bed. But look what mine insomnia hath wrought!
PS - Dude, I can totally put up any/all of the videos we've ever made now! Score.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Eh, Why Not!
Part of me is saying, "Hey, you don't have anything to post, so why do it?" Another part is saying, "But, why not? Just do it!" And yet another part is saying, "Om."
So, of course, I'm going to listen to that first one. :)
Not having a room can be annoying. Though it's just a tiny little obstacle that I'm letting get in the way of me doing things. Though I have finished the Bio and TFA (which, unfortunately, does not stand for That's Fucking Awesome), so I guess I'm not that far behind.
You know what else is a bitch? Having your brother threaten to burst into your room drunk and wake you up. Therefore why I can't sleep at night. It all makes sense now.
Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. Hells yeah. That means I can make some new New Year's resolutions that I'll never keep! Hope springs eternal.
Well, I feel like doing something crazy tomorrow. I don't know what. And it probably won't turn out to be "crazy" by the definition of most people. But for me, it will be! Huzzah!
PS - Man, I was a bitch this time last year. Like, certified, 100% Grade A male PMS. Just thought I'd apologize for my behavior. I didn't see it at the time, but thinking back on it, damn. It's a little late now, but, you know, new year, new leaf, yadda yadda yadda.
In the meantime, keep on keepin' on. Because that's how we roll.
So, of course, I'm going to listen to that first one. :)
Not having a room can be annoying. Though it's just a tiny little obstacle that I'm letting get in the way of me doing things. Though I have finished the Bio and TFA (which, unfortunately, does not stand for That's Fucking Awesome), so I guess I'm not that far behind.
You know what else is a bitch? Having your brother threaten to burst into your room drunk and wake you up. Therefore why I can't sleep at night. It all makes sense now.
Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. Hells yeah. That means I can make some new New Year's resolutions that I'll never keep! Hope springs eternal.
Well, I feel like doing something crazy tomorrow. I don't know what. And it probably won't turn out to be "crazy" by the definition of most people. But for me, it will be! Huzzah!
PS - Man, I was a bitch this time last year. Like, certified, 100% Grade A male PMS. Just thought I'd apologize for my behavior. I didn't see it at the time, but thinking back on it, damn. It's a little late now, but, you know, new year, new leaf, yadda yadda yadda.
In the meantime, keep on keepin' on. Because that's how we roll.
Friday Without a Home
Well, I still don't have a room. And therefore, I find myself in the... I don't know what this room is called. It's the kitchen/dining/computer room. Heh, yeah, we're good at organizing our house along typical line... :)
Anyway, I'm sitting here at a computer that's not mine. I guess that was the point. And I find myself with a lot of energy and no place to channel it. So, I'll channel it here!
Um, hm. And now I can't think of anything to say. I guess it's because I have more of an urge to do. And I can't do much here.
Though I do have plenty to say, but ironically none of the topics would fit in this post. So, on that note, I guess I'll end this post.
Hah, what a silly post.
Anyway, I'm sitting here at a computer that's not mine. I guess that was the point. And I find myself with a lot of energy and no place to channel it. So, I'll channel it here!
Um, hm. And now I can't think of anything to say. I guess it's because I have more of an urge to do. And I can't do much here.
Though I do have plenty to say, but ironically none of the topics would fit in this post. So, on that note, I guess I'll end this post.
Hah, what a silly post.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
King Kong: Drama, Action, or Psychological Study?
I saw King Kong today. Pretty good movie. Lots of action and very little plot. But there's nothing wrong with that sort of movie every once in a while.
Anyway, my title is as it is because I found a certain aspect of the movie intriguing, namely the psychological part. If you don't know the basic plot, there's this girl and a really, really big gorilla. The girl has already fallen for this play writer, but she ends up falling for King Kong after he saves her from some t-rexes (I think, the whole movie's some sort of blur right now). The hero playwriter dude trys to "save" her from King Kong, and King Kong gets pissed off. When he finally gets the chick back, he acts all sorts of hurt and basically says (through body language), "Fuck you ho, I don't need you." But eventually he turns into the grabby crazy male that just won't let go. He alternates between these two states throughout the movie until he ends up killed by the awesome Americans.
Amazing, a case study into the male psyche rapped up in a seemingly banal action movie. This is definitely something I could write a newspaper article on: why guys, otherwise seemingly solid, strong dudes, turn to jell-o gelatin at the whim of a woman. It'd make for interesting research, at the least.
Well, that's all folks. Enjoy these last 5 days. And New Years is just two days away. Oh dear. Anyone have any plans. Otherwise, I'll be spending this New Years all alone. Not the end of the world. Not the beginning either.
Anyway, my title is as it is because I found a certain aspect of the movie intriguing, namely the psychological part. If you don't know the basic plot, there's this girl and a really, really big gorilla. The girl has already fallen for this play writer, but she ends up falling for King Kong after he saves her from some t-rexes (I think, the whole movie's some sort of blur right now). The hero playwriter dude trys to "save" her from King Kong, and King Kong gets pissed off. When he finally gets the chick back, he acts all sorts of hurt and basically says (through body language), "Fuck you ho, I don't need you." But eventually he turns into the grabby crazy male that just won't let go. He alternates between these two states throughout the movie until he ends up killed by the awesome Americans.
Amazing, a case study into the male psyche rapped up in a seemingly banal action movie. This is definitely something I could write a newspaper article on: why guys, otherwise seemingly solid, strong dudes, turn to jell-o gelatin at the whim of a woman. It'd make for interesting research, at the least.
Well, that's all folks. Enjoy these last 5 days. And New Years is just two days away. Oh dear. Anyone have any plans. Otherwise, I'll be spending this New Years all alone. Not the end of the world. Not the beginning either.
Some More Good Poetry
Well, it's midnight, and I just gosh darn don't feel like going to sleep. And since it's break, I won't. :)
Looking through the website of my TA from Governor School, Dave Pickett, I came across some truly stunning poetry. His site is here, and the poem I like the best out of the one's I've read is this one.
It amazes me to think that he's only 3 years older than me. The span of time between my brother and I. And yet he seems to know so much more, to be so much more real, so much more authentic. Maybe it's because he's experienced so much more. I know a lot can happen in a year. Imagine in 3.
I just thought I'd share. I've been finding beauty in the most unlikely places this past year. For me, for some reason, it's often the twisted, uncomfortable, less than pleasant things that seem the most beautiful. Bright Eyes, Thumbsucker, Dave's poetry. It all just speaks to me.
But at the same time, I can't forget that I'm attracted to these types because of the love that they emanate. Even if it's broken love, they shine on.
And love has no opposite.
Looking through the website of my TA from Governor School, Dave Pickett, I came across some truly stunning poetry. His site is here, and the poem I like the best out of the one's I've read is this one.
It amazes me to think that he's only 3 years older than me. The span of time between my brother and I. And yet he seems to know so much more, to be so much more real, so much more authentic. Maybe it's because he's experienced so much more. I know a lot can happen in a year. Imagine in 3.
I just thought I'd share. I've been finding beauty in the most unlikely places this past year. For me, for some reason, it's often the twisted, uncomfortable, less than pleasant things that seem the most beautiful. Bright Eyes, Thumbsucker, Dave's poetry. It all just speaks to me.
But at the same time, I can't forget that I'm attracted to these types because of the love that they emanate. Even if it's broken love, they shine on.
And love has no opposite.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Interesting Poem
"Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Found this poem in a book I'm reading. It reminds me of "If" by Rudyard Kipling.
Good stuff.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Found this poem in a book I'm reading. It reminds me of "If" by Rudyard Kipling.
Good stuff.
Halfway: A Review
Well, this break turns out to be 12 days long. And we're currently at day 6. I've therefore concluded by careful deduction that break is halfway over. Shouts of applause. Thank you, thank you.
But seriously, this post is mainly to get some sort of idea of what I've done with the first half of break, and what I'm going to do with the rest of break. Let's begin with the former.
This is going to be a short list. I've gotten about 30 bio questions done from my take home quiz. I've got all but a small part of the calc done. I've read a whole bunch out of my Buddhism books. I've read a lot out of my biomimetics book. I've read a bunch out of a fictional book (because a healthy dose of fiction is always good) called Thumsucker. I've hung out more with family than I normally do. I celebrated Christmas with family and friends. And I've learned how to play a whole song on guitar (aw, yeah, kick ass Invincible).
That's about all the mentionable stuff. On the not worth mentioning (and yet I'm still going to mention) side, I made a MySpace (Sean made me do it in a drug induced stuppor!), listened to lots of music, randomly surfed the web, learned that changing eating habits is harder than it might seem, watched bunches of movies, and sat around wondering what I was doing. Hm, that list almost takes up more space than the "worth mentioning" one.
Anyway, what haven't I done? Read Things Fall Apart, The Stranger or any of the other numerous books I need to for AP English. I haven't finished my Bio or Calc. I haven't hung out with anyone. I haven't solved world hunger. I haven't cured cancer. Well, those last two are just a joke. :)
Well, that about raps up my little review. On further consideration, it would seem that I have accomplished more than I thought. At the same time, there are plenty of things I'd like to do over the next 6 days. And all this time, I feel like I'm treading water. Thank God for this feeling of unease.
I hope you've all enjoyed your six days so far. And may you enjoy your next 6.
But seriously, this post is mainly to get some sort of idea of what I've done with the first half of break, and what I'm going to do with the rest of break. Let's begin with the former.
This is going to be a short list. I've gotten about 30 bio questions done from my take home quiz. I've got all but a small part of the calc done. I've read a whole bunch out of my Buddhism books. I've read a lot out of my biomimetics book. I've read a bunch out of a fictional book (because a healthy dose of fiction is always good) called Thumsucker. I've hung out more with family than I normally do. I celebrated Christmas with family and friends. And I've learned how to play a whole song on guitar (aw, yeah, kick ass Invincible).
That's about all the mentionable stuff. On the not worth mentioning (and yet I'm still going to mention) side, I made a MySpace (Sean made me do it in a drug induced stuppor!), listened to lots of music, randomly surfed the web, learned that changing eating habits is harder than it might seem, watched bunches of movies, and sat around wondering what I was doing. Hm, that list almost takes up more space than the "worth mentioning" one.
Anyway, what haven't I done? Read Things Fall Apart, The Stranger or any of the other numerous books I need to for AP English. I haven't finished my Bio or Calc. I haven't hung out with anyone. I haven't solved world hunger. I haven't cured cancer. Well, those last two are just a joke. :)
Well, that about raps up my little review. On further consideration, it would seem that I have accomplished more than I thought. At the same time, there are plenty of things I'd like to do over the next 6 days. And all this time, I feel like I'm treading water. Thank God for this feeling of unease.
I hope you've all enjoyed your six days so far. And may you enjoy your next 6.
Monday, December 26, 2005
More Biomimicry - Photosynthesis Mimics
Well, since my last article got such rave reviews, I figure I'll post on another one of the topics in Biomimicry, namely photosynthesis mimics.
Admittedly, photovoltaic cells have been around for a while now. And also admittedly, they haven't been doing all that much good. Mainly due to their inefficiency and high prices, I doubt that photovoltaics will be the energy wave of the future.
Plus, silicon isn't the way to go. If it were, evolution would have chosen it in the great "Natural Selection Game." But nature didn't. It chose carbon. So, therefore, if we're going to make a blueprint for the most energy efficient, cleanest, and coolest technology to run off of light, carbon is the winner.
Anyone who has Mr. Hagan for Biology knows that he talks to his plants (that's an in class joke. He's not really crazy, it's a figure of speech), and he's told us time and time again that if the plants could tell him how photosynthesis works (and I mean really works, not just how it happens), he'd be a very rich man. Well, scientists accross the world have been asking that very same question, and they've discovered extraordinary results.
For example, a team of scientists at Arizone State University have been working on setting up something similar to the Photosystems found in plants. So far, they've successfully mimicked the system with a pentad (a system made up of 5 proteins) that can nearly match the efficiency of plants. Another team of scientists, led by James Guillet at University of Toronto, have been working on how to get the energy into the system by mimicking the antenna-like objects found on the membranes of choroplast. He, too, has gotten the system to nature-like efficiency with a 95% absorption of light.
All of this is exciting by itself, but what makes it even more astounding are the applications. One of the most obvious is to make organic compounds from scratch, using only light and basic organic materials. If you could set up a mimicked photosystem and put it in the right sort of water based solution, there's not reason it couldn't put together many of the plastics we use today, without all the oil and toxic chemicals we're currently using. Nature has been making things for billions of years with just carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and a few other elements. After thousands of years of industry, we're finally catching up.
Photo-mimicks could also produce hydrogen in a cheap, efficient, and clean manner. In the process of photosynthesis, hydrogen ions are naturally made due to electron holes in the sequence. Plants then use an enzyme, called (as always ever so originally) hydrogenase, to combine the ions and form hydrogen gas. This gas, once harvested, could easily power hydrogen fuel cells. Such fuel cells aren't quite in the affordable range today, but with further development, they're getting there. But once they do become affordable, the next problem to solve is the availability of cheap, easy to produce hyrdogen. With photosynthesis based technology, hydrogen could be made with just water, these photosynthesis sites, and some sunlight.
And of course, you could make little ATP powered enzymes that can go around doing jobs that are normally "up the sliding board."
All of this from a simple study of natural system.
Obviously, the application of most of these ideas are still in the development phase. The fact that Biomimicry was written in 1997, and few to none of these advancements have reached consumers, speaks to the difficulty inherent in this field. But considering the possibilites, especially in a world that's running out of petroleum, such difficulties seem more like a challenge than a curse. Since the dawn of civilization, we've only been burning in order to build; it's about time we learned from our neighors, the plants, about how to build, without the uneccesary steps inbetween.
Exciting. For me at least. I could definitely see this being a field I'd want to go into. But I haven't found any that are physics based yet. So far, they've all been biochem. Where's the biophysics?
Admittedly, photovoltaic cells have been around for a while now. And also admittedly, they haven't been doing all that much good. Mainly due to their inefficiency and high prices, I doubt that photovoltaics will be the energy wave of the future.
Plus, silicon isn't the way to go. If it were, evolution would have chosen it in the great "Natural Selection Game." But nature didn't. It chose carbon. So, therefore, if we're going to make a blueprint for the most energy efficient, cleanest, and coolest technology to run off of light, carbon is the winner.
Anyone who has Mr. Hagan for Biology knows that he talks to his plants (that's an in class joke. He's not really crazy, it's a figure of speech), and he's told us time and time again that if the plants could tell him how photosynthesis works (and I mean really works, not just how it happens), he'd be a very rich man. Well, scientists accross the world have been asking that very same question, and they've discovered extraordinary results.
For example, a team of scientists at Arizone State University have been working on setting up something similar to the Photosystems found in plants. So far, they've successfully mimicked the system with a pentad (a system made up of 5 proteins) that can nearly match the efficiency of plants. Another team of scientists, led by James Guillet at University of Toronto, have been working on how to get the energy into the system by mimicking the antenna-like objects found on the membranes of choroplast. He, too, has gotten the system to nature-like efficiency with a 95% absorption of light.
All of this is exciting by itself, but what makes it even more astounding are the applications. One of the most obvious is to make organic compounds from scratch, using only light and basic organic materials. If you could set up a mimicked photosystem and put it in the right sort of water based solution, there's not reason it couldn't put together many of the plastics we use today, without all the oil and toxic chemicals we're currently using. Nature has been making things for billions of years with just carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and a few other elements. After thousands of years of industry, we're finally catching up.
Photo-mimicks could also produce hydrogen in a cheap, efficient, and clean manner. In the process of photosynthesis, hydrogen ions are naturally made due to electron holes in the sequence. Plants then use an enzyme, called (as always ever so originally) hydrogenase, to combine the ions and form hydrogen gas. This gas, once harvested, could easily power hydrogen fuel cells. Such fuel cells aren't quite in the affordable range today, but with further development, they're getting there. But once they do become affordable, the next problem to solve is the availability of cheap, easy to produce hyrdogen. With photosynthesis based technology, hydrogen could be made with just water, these photosynthesis sites, and some sunlight.
And of course, you could make little ATP powered enzymes that can go around doing jobs that are normally "up the sliding board."
All of this from a simple study of natural system.
Obviously, the application of most of these ideas are still in the development phase. The fact that Biomimicry was written in 1997, and few to none of these advancements have reached consumers, speaks to the difficulty inherent in this field. But considering the possibilites, especially in a world that's running out of petroleum, such difficulties seem more like a challenge than a curse. Since the dawn of civilization, we've only been burning in order to build; it's about time we learned from our neighors, the plants, about how to build, without the uneccesary steps inbetween.
Exciting. For me at least. I could definitely see this being a field I'd want to go into. But I haven't found any that are physics based yet. So far, they've all been biochem. Where's the biophysics?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Some Novel Ideas About Sustainability
I've been reading a book titled Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. It's really a thrilling read, in that dorky, sciency sort of way. It presents several chapters on different ways that scientists look at and mimic nature. For example, there's a chapter on making energy directly from the sun, a la plants, and on making super strong materials similar to spider webbing, etc.
The first chapter in the book is about the idea of sustainable farming. Apparently, the way most "civilized" people have been farming for the past 10 000 years was / is rather wasteful. For example, the soil gets all sorts of wasted, since we only grow one crop at a time, and these crops tend to be annuals. At the same time, in modern times, agriculture has become dependent on the the petroleum and chemical industry for things like fertilizers, pesticides, and diesel.
The auther, and the Land Institute which she talks about, propose a different kind of agriculture, one based on how nature farms. Basically, they want to set up farming lands like prairies, one of the most efficient biological producers of all time. One of the key ideas is to use perennial plants in place of annuals, as may be found in nature. This gives the plants a head start each year, saving the soil. At the same time, using a mix of plants,similar to the mix found in prairies, farmers can eliminate the use of fertilizers (by using plants that naturally fertilize the soil), pesticides, etc. At the same time, such prairie farms, once started, require little to no maintenance, therefore eliminating the need for major diesel.
It's so simple, it's brilliant. It makes sense that we've now come full circle. From living in nature, to abusing nature, to sharing with nature. It has a beautiful symmetry to it.
And Merry Christmas everyone. Don't worry, I didn't forget!
And for Matt, Happy Birthday Jesus!
The first chapter in the book is about the idea of sustainable farming. Apparently, the way most "civilized" people have been farming for the past 10 000 years was / is rather wasteful. For example, the soil gets all sorts of wasted, since we only grow one crop at a time, and these crops tend to be annuals. At the same time, in modern times, agriculture has become dependent on the the petroleum and chemical industry for things like fertilizers, pesticides, and diesel.
The auther, and the Land Institute which she talks about, propose a different kind of agriculture, one based on how nature farms. Basically, they want to set up farming lands like prairies, one of the most efficient biological producers of all time. One of the key ideas is to use perennial plants in place of annuals, as may be found in nature. This gives the plants a head start each year, saving the soil. At the same time, using a mix of plants,similar to the mix found in prairies, farmers can eliminate the use of fertilizers (by using plants that naturally fertilize the soil), pesticides, etc. At the same time, such prairie farms, once started, require little to no maintenance, therefore eliminating the need for major diesel.
It's so simple, it's brilliant. It makes sense that we've now come full circle. From living in nature, to abusing nature, to sharing with nature. It has a beautiful symmetry to it.
And Merry Christmas everyone. Don't worry, I didn't forget!
And for Matt, Happy Birthday Jesus!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas (Eve)
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying this holiday. I know I'm enjoying all the family time, the good food, the free time, and the, well, yes, the presents. :)
I hope you all have an equally great Christmas Day.
I hope you all have an equally great Christmas Day.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Funny Video! Mr. Rogers!
To show you how incredibly bored I was today, I decided to reload my Spanish Mr. Rogers onto my computer and transfer it to the interweb. Check it out.
I'm considering putting up other videos that have been made throughout the years. Though I should get peoples permission first. :)
Peace out. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve. And I feel drained.
I'm considering putting up other videos that have been made throughout the years. Though I should get peoples permission first. :)
Peace out. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve. And I feel drained.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Perfect vs. Normal (GodAIM, Part II)
I figure I'll make this a weekly feature. It seems to work that way. Anyway, onto the story...
SexyDaveDarmon: You there, God?
Godizzle: Well, that depends a great deal on your definition of "there," now doesn't it?
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, okay. Point taken. Anyway, I want to get right down to something. Something that's been bothering me these past few days.
Godizzle: Go for it. I'm all God.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay. So, there's this paradoxical (at least, I think it's a paradox and not a contradiction) that there's a relative world that... I don't know... emanates? from the absolute world?
Godizzle: Wow, big words. Does that make you feel smart? The big words?
SexyDaveDarmon: I'm sorry.
Godizzle: Why use such a wacked out vernacular when you could just use nice small works like "perfect" and "normal"?
SexyDaveDarmon: To be honest, I didn't think of it.
Godizzle: You didn't THINK OF IT? Big suprise...
SexyDaveDarmon: You know what God, I really don't need the
Godizzle: You don't need the what? Me breathing down your back? Messing with you? What?
SexyDaveDarmon: I'm sorry. My temper can get the best of me sometimes. It's just that
Godizzle: It's just that your temper got the best of you. Moving on.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay. So, there's these two worlds, the perfect world, and the normal world. And somehow I'm supposed to reconcile these two worlds?
Godizzle: What's so irrecon -- not working -- about these two worlds?
SexyDaveDarmon: Well, the fact that one's perfect and the other one is, well, inherently not.
Godizzle: It's simple, really.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay.
Godizzle: Oh, what, you want me to EXPLAIN it? Heh, I didn't say it was simple to explain.
SexyDaveDarmon: But you're GOD. If you can't explain it
Godizzle: Then noone can. Exactly.
SexyDaveDarmon: But that doesn't
Godizzle: Help you very much? Exactly!
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, now your just showing off.
Godizzle: Exactly.
SexyDaveDarmon: And being a second rate comedian. Fine, I understand that you're not going to answer this one for me. Then how about one more simple question?
Godizzle: I have another 5 minutes. Go for it, yo.
SexyDaveDarmon: How come, how come, why. Damnit. Um, why do
Godizzle: Spit it OUT already.
SexyDaveDarmon: Fine. How come some people, I'm talking about myself right now, have such a problem accepting the fact that they're, well, only human?
Godizzle: ONLY human!!! Do you know how long I spent working on you! I mean, the first day, sure it was fine and then the second day was a peace of cake, and the
SexyDaveDarmon: God, I hate to tell you this, but you creating people is illegal in this state.
Godizzle: Well, of course, I meant through evolution. Jeese, won't give God a little poetic license? But anyway, you're human. And you're PERFECTLY human. You are exactly the way you should be. At this moment. At this time. Okay?
SexyDaveDarmon: Yeah, that makes sense. It's just, it really messes with my head sometimes. I try too hard to, you know, be "perfect."
Godizzle: Why don't you try to, you know, be "normal"?
SexyDaveDarmon: Good point. Well, it was nice talking to you again God. Have a Merry Christmas.
Godizzle: Uh, uh, uh. Happy Holidays!
SexyDaveDarmon: Only God. Tell Jesus I said Happy Birthday.
Godizzle: Will do. Now, where did I leave my remote...
(Godizzle signed off at 10:02 PM)
SexyDaveDarmon: You there, God?
Godizzle: Well, that depends a great deal on your definition of "there," now doesn't it?
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, okay. Point taken. Anyway, I want to get right down to something. Something that's been bothering me these past few days.
Godizzle: Go for it. I'm all God.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay. So, there's this paradoxical (at least, I think it's a paradox and not a contradiction) that there's a relative world that... I don't know... emanates? from the absolute world?
Godizzle: Wow, big words. Does that make you feel smart? The big words?
SexyDaveDarmon: I'm sorry.
Godizzle: Why use such a wacked out vernacular when you could just use nice small works like "perfect" and "normal"?
SexyDaveDarmon: To be honest, I didn't think of it.
Godizzle: You didn't THINK OF IT? Big suprise...
SexyDaveDarmon: You know what God, I really don't need the
Godizzle: You don't need the what? Me breathing down your back? Messing with you? What?
SexyDaveDarmon: I'm sorry. My temper can get the best of me sometimes. It's just that
Godizzle: It's just that your temper got the best of you. Moving on.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay. So, there's these two worlds, the perfect world, and the normal world. And somehow I'm supposed to reconcile these two worlds?
Godizzle: What's so irrecon -- not working -- about these two worlds?
SexyDaveDarmon: Well, the fact that one's perfect and the other one is, well, inherently not.
Godizzle: It's simple, really.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay.
Godizzle: Oh, what, you want me to EXPLAIN it? Heh, I didn't say it was simple to explain.
SexyDaveDarmon: But you're GOD. If you can't explain it
Godizzle: Then noone can. Exactly.
SexyDaveDarmon: But that doesn't
Godizzle: Help you very much? Exactly!
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, now your just showing off.
Godizzle: Exactly.
SexyDaveDarmon: And being a second rate comedian. Fine, I understand that you're not going to answer this one for me. Then how about one more simple question?
Godizzle: I have another 5 minutes. Go for it, yo.
SexyDaveDarmon: How come, how come, why. Damnit. Um, why do
Godizzle: Spit it OUT already.
SexyDaveDarmon: Fine. How come some people, I'm talking about myself right now, have such a problem accepting the fact that they're, well, only human?
Godizzle: ONLY human!!! Do you know how long I spent working on you! I mean, the first day, sure it was fine and then the second day was a peace of cake, and the
SexyDaveDarmon: God, I hate to tell you this, but you creating people is illegal in this state.
Godizzle: Well, of course, I meant through evolution. Jeese, won't give God a little poetic license? But anyway, you're human. And you're PERFECTLY human. You are exactly the way you should be. At this moment. At this time. Okay?
SexyDaveDarmon: Yeah, that makes sense. It's just, it really messes with my head sometimes. I try too hard to, you know, be "perfect."
Godizzle: Why don't you try to, you know, be "normal"?
SexyDaveDarmon: Good point. Well, it was nice talking to you again God. Have a Merry Christmas.
Godizzle: Uh, uh, uh. Happy Holidays!
SexyDaveDarmon: Only God. Tell Jesus I said Happy Birthday.
Godizzle: Will do. Now, where did I leave my remote...
(Godizzle signed off at 10:02 PM)
A Christmas Story
Today has been quite the Christmasy day. I suppose that is to be expected four days before Christmas. It's nice to see everyone scurrying about with their Santa Claus hats and their gift bags attempting to find all their friends strewn throughout the school. It's nice to see someone who just half a month previously seemed absolutely desolate go around with small bags of candy to share with his classmates. It's nice to see a teacher that we otherwise thinks hates us (hack,cough... Ms. Hanobeck... hack, cough) give us candy and wish us a happy holidays. It's nice to immerse oneself in the loving atmosphere, look past all the glittery consumerism, and see people dealing in love.
But somehow, there must be a way to deal in love beyond this holiday season. I'm merely speaking for myself, but love, speaking personally, seems to trickle off post Christmas, and then it's just this general underlying theme in my actions. Not that this is a bad thing. Just that the fire hydrant-esque stream of love just kind of seems to trickle to a nice sink-esque stream. Maybe that happens as not to break the plumbing?
Luckily, I have all my life to deal in this art. And I was granted this human life to deal in it, well, artfully. Because dealing in love is an art. Just as difficult and important as painting, playing a musical instrument, or learning how to dance. There's always a give and take between the artist and the art. Just like in life.
Luckily, also, I have friends that share this love with me. Whether its learning about Buddhism from Lama Surya Das or from the Dalai Lama, or catching a laugh from some silly people calling in from 911, I am certain to become more human, more alive from these gifts. And of course, if in all the bustle I forget what Christmas is about, all I need do is open The Story of Christmas to remember that "we give gifts on Christmas to show our love."
But somehow, there must be a way to deal in love beyond this holiday season. I'm merely speaking for myself, but love, speaking personally, seems to trickle off post Christmas, and then it's just this general underlying theme in my actions. Not that this is a bad thing. Just that the fire hydrant-esque stream of love just kind of seems to trickle to a nice sink-esque stream. Maybe that happens as not to break the plumbing?
Luckily, I have all my life to deal in this art. And I was granted this human life to deal in it, well, artfully. Because dealing in love is an art. Just as difficult and important as painting, playing a musical instrument, or learning how to dance. There's always a give and take between the artist and the art. Just like in life.
Luckily, also, I have friends that share this love with me. Whether its learning about Buddhism from Lama Surya Das or from the Dalai Lama, or catching a laugh from some silly people calling in from 911, I am certain to become more human, more alive from these gifts. And of course, if in all the bustle I forget what Christmas is about, all I need do is open The Story of Christmas to remember that "we give gifts on Christmas to show our love."
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
David Dorman, eh?!
Hahaha. The CEO of AT&T is named David Dorman. I'm, like, almost famous!
Just thought that was funny enough to share.
Just thought that was funny enough to share.
I started out writing this post as some sort of whiny complaint about myself. And then I realized something. You don't want to read that. I don't want to write that. And the world doesn't need that. And therefore, that won't happen.
Instead, I'll leave you with a poem.
Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profundity.
Kindness in giving creates love. - Loa Tse
I hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Only one more day until Christmas Break!
Instead, I'll leave you with a poem.
Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profundity.
Kindness in giving creates love. - Loa Tse
I hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Only one more day until Christmas Break!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
No Buddhism Here!
After a momentary burst of inspiration, I googled both "Buddhism Chichester" and "Buddhism Villanova." The first query resulted in tons of replies for Chichester, England, but none for Chicester, PA. The second query resulted in about 5 or so entries, all of which were indirectly related to either Buddhism or Villanova University.
And the conclusion: no Buddhism here. I guess it's not that much of a suprise. I mean, I wouldn't expect Southeastern PA to be some sort of stronghold of the Dharma. I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part.
Therefore, no joining of any sanghas anytime soon for me. Bummer.
Another option would be a self-formed sangha. But I know nowhere near enough about Buddhism, I'm nowhere near enlightened, and I have nowhere to house this "club." Though I do like the idea of a club based around some general precepts of philosophy, or even just responsible citizenship. I'll toss this around in my head / on this blog.
I guess I'll have Christian mysticism to look forward to at Villanova. I mean, St. Augstine is the patron saint of Villanova, and he was on of the greatest Christian mystics of all time.
And the conclusion: no Buddhism here. I guess it's not that much of a suprise. I mean, I wouldn't expect Southeastern PA to be some sort of stronghold of the Dharma. I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part.
Therefore, no joining of any sanghas anytime soon for me. Bummer.
Another option would be a self-formed sangha. But I know nowhere near enough about Buddhism, I'm nowhere near enlightened, and I have nowhere to house this "club." Though I do like the idea of a club based around some general precepts of philosophy, or even just responsible citizenship. I'll toss this around in my head / on this blog.
I guess I'll have Christian mysticism to look forward to at Villanova. I mean, St. Augstine is the patron saint of Villanova, and he was on of the greatest Christian mystics of all time.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Wooh! Villanova!
I checked the Villanova website, and I've been accepted!
Now I can say I've been accepted somewhere. Score!
Check it out if you've applied there.
Now I can say I've been accepted somewhere. Score!
Check it out if you've applied there.
Are Humans Herbivores?
I found this interesting article on a site that I'm finding more and more useful: Are Humans Carnivores or Herbivores? It turns out that we're anatomically herbivores. Interesting.
I'm just finding more and more reasons to go vegan, or vegetarian at the least. Let me see if I can list them. First off, you all know my "level of complexity of the nervous system" theory. The nervous system of an organism more or less determines the amount of consciousness that organism exhibits. For example, a carrot has no nervous system, and therefore has little to no consciousness, as consciousness is classicly defined. A cow, however, has a rather complex nervous system, with both a reptilian and a mammalian brain. This puts them very close to us, except we have the benefit of the neo-mammalian brain. I'm not adding human characteristics to animals (anthropomorphizing them). It's a scientific fact that all mammals have at least a two part brain, and therefore they share many emotions with humans.
Or, to put it simply, a cow screams louder than a carrot when you kill one, therefore it's better to eat a carrot. :)
Then there's the whole herbivore thing. I mean, this is just one resource, so I don't really know how much I can rely on this guy. But really, that's just sort of the icing on the cake for me.
A third reason is the fact that cattle raising, at least in the industrialized, non-"organic" fashion most corporations employ, is very harmful to the environment and just plain inefficient. If you want to feed the world, you're not going to do it with beef. You're much better off with wheat and other plant-based foods.
Fourth reason? I honestly don't really like the taste of meat. I find that when I make a sandwich, that's the part I enjoy the least. I just sort of eat it out of custom. Which is really rather dumb.
I'm not saying that everyone should become a vegan or a vegetarian. I realize that humans have a long history of eating meat. In fact, some anthropologists attribute our large brains on our anscestors consumption of protein rich meat. I'm just saying that for me, in the the 21st century, eating meat doesn't make that much sense. It's sort of an argumentum ad antiquitum. "We've been doing it for forever, so keep doing it!" And that's not how I roll.
But I don't think there's anything wrong with killing animals, to a certain extent. That's how nature works. You don't find many vegetarians out there, at least by choices. You're not going to find a lion that eats lettuce, or a cheetah that eats brocoli. It's just not going to happen. Those animals do what they must to survive. I'm most certainly not going to second guess Nature. She's been around the block a few more times than me.
Now, all I have to do is figure out how to phase meat out of my diet. That'll be the fun part. :)... :(
Am I a crazy-liberal-pinko-pansy-treehugging hippie? Maybe. But it just makes sense to me.
(PS - Here's more stats on meat eating. Admittedly, it's from a place called Don't know how reliable that is. I don't much like PETA, so if they're in any way related, phewy on them!)
I'm just finding more and more reasons to go vegan, or vegetarian at the least. Let me see if I can list them. First off, you all know my "level of complexity of the nervous system" theory. The nervous system of an organism more or less determines the amount of consciousness that organism exhibits. For example, a carrot has no nervous system, and therefore has little to no consciousness, as consciousness is classicly defined. A cow, however, has a rather complex nervous system, with both a reptilian and a mammalian brain. This puts them very close to us, except we have the benefit of the neo-mammalian brain. I'm not adding human characteristics to animals (anthropomorphizing them). It's a scientific fact that all mammals have at least a two part brain, and therefore they share many emotions with humans.
Or, to put it simply, a cow screams louder than a carrot when you kill one, therefore it's better to eat a carrot. :)
Then there's the whole herbivore thing. I mean, this is just one resource, so I don't really know how much I can rely on this guy. But really, that's just sort of the icing on the cake for me.
A third reason is the fact that cattle raising, at least in the industrialized, non-"organic" fashion most corporations employ, is very harmful to the environment and just plain inefficient. If you want to feed the world, you're not going to do it with beef. You're much better off with wheat and other plant-based foods.
Fourth reason? I honestly don't really like the taste of meat. I find that when I make a sandwich, that's the part I enjoy the least. I just sort of eat it out of custom. Which is really rather dumb.
I'm not saying that everyone should become a vegan or a vegetarian. I realize that humans have a long history of eating meat. In fact, some anthropologists attribute our large brains on our anscestors consumption of protein rich meat. I'm just saying that for me, in the the 21st century, eating meat doesn't make that much sense. It's sort of an argumentum ad antiquitum. "We've been doing it for forever, so keep doing it!" And that's not how I roll.
But I don't think there's anything wrong with killing animals, to a certain extent. That's how nature works. You don't find many vegetarians out there, at least by choices. You're not going to find a lion that eats lettuce, or a cheetah that eats brocoli. It's just not going to happen. Those animals do what they must to survive. I'm most certainly not going to second guess Nature. She's been around the block a few more times than me.
Now, all I have to do is figure out how to phase meat out of my diet. That'll be the fun part. :)... :(
Am I a crazy-liberal-pinko-pansy-treehugging hippie? Maybe. But it just makes sense to me.
(PS - Here's more stats on meat eating. Admittedly, it's from a place called Don't know how reliable that is. I don't much like PETA, so if they're in any way related, phewy on them!)
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Majority Politics
Well, actually, this post won't have anything to do with majority politics per se. It's about a little trip home that my mom and I took in which we got screwed over by the Man. Trying to pull onto Cherry Tree Road from that little side street that comes off of the Conchester, this small, angry man in a orange jacket told us rather bluntly that this was not an option. Well, more like demanded that we didn't in a voice reminiscent of all the angry old men in the world combined. "NO! GO THAT WAY! GO THAT WAY!"
Anyway, the reason he wouldn't let us through is because there was an accident on the Conchester near Cherry Tree road, and all the through traffic of the Conchester was being redirected through that little side street. Therefore, our desire to turn left and go home, on Cherry Tree Road, would have inconvienced all the Conchester drivers that would have had to stop to let us through.
In other words, the minority got screwed over because of the majority. I understand that this was the best way to keep the traffic moving. But still, the guy (read little gremlin creature) could have been a tad more... personable. Maybe it's just the liberal, non-conformist, stick-it-to-the-man attitude in me, but he pissed me off. Not so much that I'm still pissed off 10 minutes later. Just enough that I thought it worthy of a humorous post.
And now, I'll close my eyes, take a deep breath, and let all the negativity out.
Om. Mani. Padme. Hung.
Okay, I'm good now. :)
Anyway, the reason he wouldn't let us through is because there was an accident on the Conchester near Cherry Tree road, and all the through traffic of the Conchester was being redirected through that little side street. Therefore, our desire to turn left and go home, on Cherry Tree Road, would have inconvienced all the Conchester drivers that would have had to stop to let us through.
In other words, the minority got screwed over because of the majority. I understand that this was the best way to keep the traffic moving. But still, the guy (read little gremlin creature) could have been a tad more... personable. Maybe it's just the liberal, non-conformist, stick-it-to-the-man attitude in me, but he pissed me off. Not so much that I'm still pissed off 10 minutes later. Just enough that I thought it worthy of a humorous post.
And now, I'll close my eyes, take a deep breath, and let all the negativity out.
Om. Mani. Padme. Hung.
Okay, I'm good now. :)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Well, since passion seems to be the topic of choice over at Dave's site, why not talk about it? Well, I was actually going to talk about it anyway, but now it just seems all the more appropriate.
I went to see Rent tonight, and it was amazing. Why? Because of the PASSION those people had in their lives. These are people living in New York City with next to no money, and yet they find a way to live life to its fullest. Half of them have AIDS, and still they find a way to love life. I realize it's a fictional story, but I have no doubt that there are many Marks, Collins, Mimis, and Maureens out living the life of these fictional characters.
While watching the movie, I was filled with passion. Even now, I can still very much feel the passion. But at the same time, I realize that this passion will soon enough leave me. Not that I don't feel passionate about life, and about many things in life. Just that this special kind of passion that I feel after watching / reading / hearing something inspiring leaves me too quickly. If I could just bottle this feeling, and keep the in-spiration for times of des-peration, then I'd have something.
But David, thou dost protest too much.
I hope you're all enjoying this lovely weekend. One more week (not even a full one) and then we get off for Christmas (not winter) break! Our last one as Chi students. Huzzah?!
I went to see Rent tonight, and it was amazing. Why? Because of the PASSION those people had in their lives. These are people living in New York City with next to no money, and yet they find a way to live life to its fullest. Half of them have AIDS, and still they find a way to love life. I realize it's a fictional story, but I have no doubt that there are many Marks, Collins, Mimis, and Maureens out living the life of these fictional characters.
While watching the movie, I was filled with passion. Even now, I can still very much feel the passion. But at the same time, I realize that this passion will soon enough leave me. Not that I don't feel passionate about life, and about many things in life. Just that this special kind of passion that I feel after watching / reading / hearing something inspiring leaves me too quickly. If I could just bottle this feeling, and keep the in-spiration for times of des-peration, then I'd have something.
But David, thou dost protest too much.
I hope you're all enjoying this lovely weekend. One more week (not even a full one) and then we get off for Christmas (not winter) break! Our last one as Chi students. Huzzah?!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Word of the Day: Gustatory
And the word of the day today is: gustatory.
Gustatory means "Of or relating to the sense of taste."
You might be wondering why I chose it as the word of the day? Mainly because I came across it completely independtly in two different locations on the same day. And as far as I know, gustatory isn't the most common word in the world.
I thought that was cool.
Gustatory means "Of or relating to the sense of taste."
You might be wondering why I chose it as the word of the day? Mainly because I came across it completely independtly in two different locations on the same day. And as far as I know, gustatory isn't the most common word in the world.
I thought that was cool.
A Malaise that Passed (for Now)
About two hours ago, this major malaise set in over me. Not like I was really depressed or anything. Just that I really, honestly didn't feel like doing anything. Well, not really do nothing. I just didn't feel like creating. As of late, as I've said, I've been trying to create more and more through myself rather than just digesting the works of others. In the past two weeks or so, I've been randomly coming across quotes and passages, sometimes in school and sometimes at home, relating to this idea. And not with me looking for them. Weird.
But the point is/was that I just didn't feel like doing anything. And it's not like I was in some sort of pure state of being. No, more like I just felt like "bleh." Yep, that's the best way to state it.
I'm sure we've all felt that way before. This sense that we're just not doing anything with our life. And at the same time, a strong desire NOT to go about doing anything. It's a contradiction if I've ever seen one. Life is throwing us this giant signal saying, "Hey you, you're not happy doing what you're doing! Go do something else," and we telegraph back, "Sorry, I'm enjoying being miserable too much. Try again later." I've come across a definition of insanity as follows, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If that's the definition of insanity, than I'm sorry to say that the majority of humanity is insane, myself included.
Luckily for me however, the malaise passed relatively quickly. I got out of the quagmire through some creative writing, something I find myself doing frequently as a means to make myself feel less, well, quagmirey. And amazingly, after I get out, I stay out for at least the rest of the day. Like, right now, honestly feel like doing something. I want to write this, and I want to work on other projects. And I don't feel the least bit lethargic or tired.
It's a funny thing, states. States like malaise/ecstasy, depression/joy, anger/love. They're all different sides of the same coin. And half the time all it takes to see that is to flip the coin over. Maybe I'm too much into New Age thought and the Self-Help Movement (though I'd like to think I've grown past that part of my development since 11th grade onward), but sometimes all it takes to get out of a slump is to change your mind.
Or at least, that's worked for me in the past few days. But no matter how much I improve in the intrapersonal, I'll still be lacking in the interpersonal areas. That's a bridge into another idea that I've been bouncing around that I might get to posting today. But anyway, my point is that I need you, people, because no man is an island, no matter how well I may learn to control my states. And I wouldn't want to lose people. Because if there's one thing I fear, it's a world with only me in it.
That's all for now. Enjoy your weekend. It's the first one I've had since God knows when that doesn't have any planned activities in it.
But the point is/was that I just didn't feel like doing anything. And it's not like I was in some sort of pure state of being. No, more like I just felt like "bleh." Yep, that's the best way to state it.
I'm sure we've all felt that way before. This sense that we're just not doing anything with our life. And at the same time, a strong desire NOT to go about doing anything. It's a contradiction if I've ever seen one. Life is throwing us this giant signal saying, "Hey you, you're not happy doing what you're doing! Go do something else," and we telegraph back, "Sorry, I'm enjoying being miserable too much. Try again later." I've come across a definition of insanity as follows, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If that's the definition of insanity, than I'm sorry to say that the majority of humanity is insane, myself included.
Luckily for me however, the malaise passed relatively quickly. I got out of the quagmire through some creative writing, something I find myself doing frequently as a means to make myself feel less, well, quagmirey. And amazingly, after I get out, I stay out for at least the rest of the day. Like, right now, honestly feel like doing something. I want to write this, and I want to work on other projects. And I don't feel the least bit lethargic or tired.
It's a funny thing, states. States like malaise/ecstasy, depression/joy, anger/love. They're all different sides of the same coin. And half the time all it takes to see that is to flip the coin over. Maybe I'm too much into New Age thought and the Self-Help Movement (though I'd like to think I've grown past that part of my development since 11th grade onward), but sometimes all it takes to get out of a slump is to change your mind.
Or at least, that's worked for me in the past few days. But no matter how much I improve in the intrapersonal, I'll still be lacking in the interpersonal areas. That's a bridge into another idea that I've been bouncing around that I might get to posting today. But anyway, my point is that I need you, people, because no man is an island, no matter how well I may learn to control my states. And I wouldn't want to lose people. Because if there's one thing I fear, it's a world with only me in it.
That's all for now. Enjoy your weekend. It's the first one I've had since God knows when that doesn't have any planned activities in it.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Godizzle is in the House (GodAIM, Part I)
I've come up with this great story idea. It goes something like this: what if you could find the screenname of God? What would he be like? How would he talk? Would he use emoticons? I present to you my interpretation of God via AIM, or GodAIM.
Important Note: This is semi-satirical and all in fun. I don't actually talk to God via AIM. And I most certainly don't claim to know God's thoughts, intentions, or use of emoticons. But I do think that this is an interesting exercise that at the same time is relatively funny (though if you disagree, feel free to comment and tell me my humor, well, sucks). And at the least, it allowed me to pump that creative muscle that is my mind.
And with that warning aside, so begins part one of The GodAIM Series.
SexyDaveDarmon: I'm going to throw this one out there. Are u there God?
Godizzle: Yo, yo, yo. This is Goddizle speaking. What's up with u?
SexyDaveDarmon: ROFL. I would have never expected God to have the screename "godizzle." I have to admit, that's rather charming. :)
Godizzle: Would you rather I have the name "TheMagnificentYahweh" or "TheIndefigitableAllah"? Would those names put you more at ease with societies views of me?
SexyDaveDarmon: No, no, no, not at all. Sorry. I don't really want to piss GOD off...
Godizzle: LOL. Chill out dude. Do you really think that you could piss me, all that is, was, and ever shall be, off? I mean, come on, one of you dudes totally gased millions of humans, a bunch of you went on shitty holy wars in MY name, and you think I'm going to get pissed off with you? No, sir. That, I will not do.
SexyDaveDarmon: Thanks, um, God. That's a little reassuring. I mean, that means I can totally go all out and be all sorts of honest with you?
Godizzle: Well, if you can't be honest with God, who CAN you be honest with. I mean, honestly.
SexyDaveDarmon: LOL. Who knew that God was a comedian...
Godizzle: Kid, when you have to deal with the s@#t I have to, it's a job requirement.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, okay, um, let me get back on topic. So, about how many people are you IMing with right now?
Godizzle: Right now? You mean, this infinite moment in the stream of infinite moments? About 6.5 billion people. Give or take a few 100 million.
SexyDaveDarmon: 6.5... damn, that's a lot of people. Wait, isn't that like, all the people that are alive today?
Godizzle: Give or take. I don't have the exact numbers. Jesus is getting back to me on that.
SexyDaveDarmon: You mean that...
Godizzle: Try not to take me so seriously. I think it might make this whole thing a lot easier on you. I mean, if you didn't take me seriously.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, don't take God literally. Well, if THAT isn't a novel idea.
Godizzle: Hey man, don't blame all that fundamentalist shit on ME. I can only work with the level of understanding that I'm presented with. Trust me, crazy tribal wars in the name of a volcano god are about 100% better than the all out brawls that were going on before that. Cave men = shitty community makers.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, okay, I'll try and cut GOD some slack. But, what do you mean you can only work with what you're given. I mean, you're freaking God, aren't you?
Godizzle: Oh, oh, oh, and now since I'm God, I'm supposed to be able to do everything. What do you think I am, some sort of thing that controls all things? No, you have it all wrong, I am in all things, and all things are in me.
SexyDaveDarmon: So, your more of a Brahman than a Yahweh?
Godizzle: Dude, do you think that those labels even begin to describe me? I mean, come on. Like I said before, I am all that is, all that was, and all that ever shall be. In addition to being all that ever wasn't. In other words, don't even try to describe me.
SexyDaveDarmon: Yeah, yeah, I know. But I'm trying to get a handle on this whole "God" idea, at least in terms of how we in the western world interpret you. I mean, on my side of the street (the west), most people still see you as a white bearded old man sitting up in the clouds a la Zeus. How close is that?
Godizzle: Haven't you guys been to the moon already? Did you find me in the clouds, on the moon, on Mars? No, I'm not some anthropocentric Zeus God. Though that is kind of insulting. If I could take on any form, what makes you think I'd take on the form of YOU. Humans aren't THE most attractive beings in all the Kosmos.
SexyDaveDarmon: LOL. Point taken. Okay, so your not like, Superman. Makes sense.
Godizzle: Ooh, look at how the time flys. I've got to catch the latest episode of Desperate Housewives...
SexyDaveDarmon: Wait, you mean you...
Godizzle: What'd I tell you about taking me seriously?
SexyDaveDarmon: Oh, right.
Godizzle: But I do love their suburban antics.
SexyDaveDarmon: But...
Godizzle: I'll talk to you later.
SexyDaveDarmon: Um, later... God.
Important Note: This is semi-satirical and all in fun. I don't actually talk to God via AIM. And I most certainly don't claim to know God's thoughts, intentions, or use of emoticons. But I do think that this is an interesting exercise that at the same time is relatively funny (though if you disagree, feel free to comment and tell me my humor, well, sucks). And at the least, it allowed me to pump that creative muscle that is my mind.
And with that warning aside, so begins part one of The GodAIM Series.
SexyDaveDarmon: I'm going to throw this one out there. Are u there God?
Godizzle: Yo, yo, yo. This is Goddizle speaking. What's up with u?
SexyDaveDarmon: ROFL. I would have never expected God to have the screename "godizzle." I have to admit, that's rather charming. :)
Godizzle: Would you rather I have the name "TheMagnificentYahweh" or "TheIndefigitableAllah"? Would those names put you more at ease with societies views of me?
SexyDaveDarmon: No, no, no, not at all. Sorry. I don't really want to piss GOD off...
Godizzle: LOL. Chill out dude. Do you really think that you could piss me, all that is, was, and ever shall be, off? I mean, come on, one of you dudes totally gased millions of humans, a bunch of you went on shitty holy wars in MY name, and you think I'm going to get pissed off with you? No, sir. That, I will not do.
SexyDaveDarmon: Thanks, um, God. That's a little reassuring. I mean, that means I can totally go all out and be all sorts of
Godizzle: Well, if you can't be honest with God, who CAN you be honest with. I mean, honestly.
SexyDaveDarmon: LOL. Who knew that God was a comedian...
Godizzle: Kid, when you have to deal with the s@#t I have to, it's a job requirement.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, okay, um, let me get back on topic. So, about how many people are you IMing with right now?
Godizzle: Right now? You mean, this infinite moment in the stream of infinite moments? About 6.5 billion people. Give or take a few 100 million.
SexyDaveDarmon: 6.5... damn, that's a lot of people. Wait, isn't that like, all the people that are alive today?
Godizzle: Give or take. I don't have the exact numbers. Jesus is getting back to me on that.
SexyDaveDarmon: You mean that...
Godizzle: Try not to take me so seriously. I think it might make this whole thing a lot easier on you. I mean, if you didn't take me seriously.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, don't take God literally. Well, if THAT isn't a novel idea.
Godizzle: Hey man, don't blame all that fundamentalist shit on ME. I can only work with the level of understanding that I'm presented with. Trust me, crazy tribal wars in the name of a volcano god are about 100% better than the all out brawls that were going on before that. Cave men = shitty community makers.
SexyDaveDarmon: Okay, okay, I'll try and cut GOD some slack. But, what do you mean you can only work with what you're given. I mean, you're freaking God, aren't you?
Godizzle: Oh, oh, oh, and now since I'm God, I'm supposed to be able to do everything. What do you think I am, some sort of thing that controls all things? No, you have it all wrong, I am in all things, and all things are in me.
SexyDaveDarmon: So, your more of a Brahman than a Yahweh?
Godizzle: Dude, do you think that those labels even begin to describe me? I mean, come on. Like I said before, I am all that is, all that was, and all that ever shall be. In addition to being all that ever wasn't. In other words, don't even try to describe me.
SexyDaveDarmon: Yeah, yeah, I know. But I'm trying to get a handle on this whole "God" idea, at least in terms of how we in the western world interpret you. I mean, on my side of the street (the west), most people still see you as a white bearded old man sitting up in the clouds a la Zeus. How close is that?
Godizzle: Haven't you guys been to the moon already? Did you find me in the clouds, on the moon, on Mars? No, I'm not some anthropocentric Zeus God. Though that is kind of insulting. If I could take on any form, what makes you think I'd take on the form of YOU. Humans aren't THE most attractive beings in all the Kosmos.
SexyDaveDarmon: LOL. Point taken. Okay, so your not like, Superman. Makes sense.
Godizzle: Ooh, look at how the time flys. I've got to catch the latest episode of Desperate Housewives...
SexyDaveDarmon: Wait, you mean you...
Godizzle: What'd I tell you about taking me seriously?
SexyDaveDarmon: Oh, right.
Godizzle: But I do love their suburban antics.
SexyDaveDarmon: But...
Godizzle: I'll talk to you later.
SexyDaveDarmon: Um, later... God.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I haven't posted on anything more or less not "me" related in a while. So I figured I'd ruminate a bit on something interesting presented in class.
Sean did a presentation on paradox today that succeeded in removing some fog from my idea of what a "paradox" must be. Previous to this discussion, I always thought a paradox was something that contradicts itself. Turns out it's the opposite. A paradox is something that seems false, but in actuality is true. For example, the common aphorsim "sometimes you have to hurt someone to help him" seems false, but in most cases it can be true. (and now that I'm back from a ten minute excursion into the land of paradoces, let's continue)
In general, the apparent falsehood of a paradox disappears when it's viewed from a new vantage point. Makes me think of a quote by Einstein to the affect of, "No problem may be solved at the level of understanding which caused it." So, if you have a 5 year old child that doesn't understand that the same volume may have different heights / widths / lenghts(here, about half way down the page), you will come accross a seeming contradiction that resolves into a paradox. Though it SEEMS that the two containers couldn't possibly hold the same amount of water, they CAN. Simply because the level of understanding that formulated the problem can't solve it, this paradox becomes a contradiction. One that may only be solved by raising oneself to a new, higher level of understanding. Fascinating.
And therefore, the development of a person intellectually may be seen as a move to make more contradictions into paradoces. Or to move further from intuition to rationality. And then beyond. Because there's always a beyond.
One of my favorite paradoces is one stated by, you guessed it, Ken Wilber. He states that as you become "enlightened" (what a loaded word that is), the suffering of the world hurts you more but bothers you less. That seems to make no sense, from the unenlightened worldview that I inhabit. But he then goes on to explain that as you become enlightened, you feel the pain of each and every person as your own, as acutely as ever. But at the same time, you realize that this existence, this "reality" is just a dream. And you then have two options. Either you can go around in this dream and try and help ease people's suffering, ore you can just wake up and realize that it's all just a dream.
What a beautiful resolution to the paradox that is existentialism.
And once again, I serve as nothing more than a mouthpiece for one greater than myself. I really have to work on that. :)
Sean did a presentation on paradox today that succeeded in removing some fog from my idea of what a "paradox" must be. Previous to this discussion, I always thought a paradox was something that contradicts itself. Turns out it's the opposite. A paradox is something that seems false, but in actuality is true. For example, the common aphorsim "sometimes you have to hurt someone to help him" seems false, but in most cases it can be true. (and now that I'm back from a ten minute excursion into the land of paradoces, let's continue)
In general, the apparent falsehood of a paradox disappears when it's viewed from a new vantage point. Makes me think of a quote by Einstein to the affect of, "No problem may be solved at the level of understanding which caused it." So, if you have a 5 year old child that doesn't understand that the same volume may have different heights / widths / lenghts(here, about half way down the page), you will come accross a seeming contradiction that resolves into a paradox. Though it SEEMS that the two containers couldn't possibly hold the same amount of water, they CAN. Simply because the level of understanding that formulated the problem can't solve it, this paradox becomes a contradiction. One that may only be solved by raising oneself to a new, higher level of understanding. Fascinating.
And therefore, the development of a person intellectually may be seen as a move to make more contradictions into paradoces. Or to move further from intuition to rationality. And then beyond. Because there's always a beyond.
One of my favorite paradoces is one stated by, you guessed it, Ken Wilber. He states that as you become "enlightened" (what a loaded word that is), the suffering of the world hurts you more but bothers you less. That seems to make no sense, from the unenlightened worldview that I inhabit. But he then goes on to explain that as you become enlightened, you feel the pain of each and every person as your own, as acutely as ever. But at the same time, you realize that this existence, this "reality" is just a dream. And you then have two options. Either you can go around in this dream and try and help ease people's suffering, ore you can just wake up and realize that it's all just a dream.
What a beautiful resolution to the paradox that is existentialism.
And once again, I serve as nothing more than a mouthpiece for one greater than myself. I really have to work on that. :)
Monday, December 12, 2005
David 2.0?
As of late, as I've alluded to in earlier posts, I've been trying to develop a more independent self, one divorced from all the "stuff" I accumulate, whether in a physical, mental, or spiritual sense. Mostly with a focus on the mental "stuff."
I've been trying, step by step, to be more creative, more original, more "me." Though, once again that very idea almost slips into a type of narcissism. The type of narcissism that leads a person to leave his wife and children in order to "find himself." Where is he going to find himself? Out there? Somewhere else? That assumes that the Self could have been lost. And let me tell you, It can't. The Self is all there really is. But maybe this "finding of oneself," this becoming more authentic allows for one to be a better part of the world. As the saying goes, you must first love yourself before you can love someone else.
I guess this is the beginning of a new phase in my evolution as a human being. But I think that's a little overly grandiose. I don't think that I'm really making all that large a shift. This isn't a revolution in my thinking, in my acting, in my being. It's nothing but a slight shift, only ever so perceptible, towards a more autonomous me, at least when it comes to information. A shift from less of a desire to engulf as much information as to slowly chew, taste, and savor ever bit(e) of it. That's a little countercultural in this day and age, and I realize that I'm just adding to the noise with this blog (which is rather ironic, actually), but I think it's the next step in this journey called life. For me, anyway.
And maybe, just maybe, this slight shift in changing the way I learn about the world will bleed over to how I feel about the world. Maybe, just maybe, I'll begin to feel a passion for living, for all parts of living, that I haven't felt. For as long as I remember. Not that I don't love life. I savor every moment of it. But passion for it, that's a fleeting emotion at best.
"You are the light of the world," said a wise man once. And I say let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
I've been trying, step by step, to be more creative, more original, more "me." Though, once again that very idea almost slips into a type of narcissism. The type of narcissism that leads a person to leave his wife and children in order to "find himself." Where is he going to find himself? Out there? Somewhere else? That assumes that the Self could have been lost. And let me tell you, It can't. The Self is all there really is. But maybe this "finding of oneself," this becoming more authentic allows for one to be a better part of the world. As the saying goes, you must first love yourself before you can love someone else.
I guess this is the beginning of a new phase in my evolution as a human being. But I think that's a little overly grandiose. I don't think that I'm really making all that large a shift. This isn't a revolution in my thinking, in my acting, in my being. It's nothing but a slight shift, only ever so perceptible, towards a more autonomous me, at least when it comes to information. A shift from less of a desire to engulf as much information as to slowly chew, taste, and savor ever bit(e) of it. That's a little countercultural in this day and age, and I realize that I'm just adding to the noise with this blog (which is rather ironic, actually), but I think it's the next step in this journey called life. For me, anyway.
And maybe, just maybe, this slight shift in changing the way I learn about the world will bleed over to how I feel about the world. Maybe, just maybe, I'll begin to feel a passion for living, for all parts of living, that I haven't felt. For as long as I remember. Not that I don't love life. I savor every moment of it. But passion for it, that's a fleeting emotion at best.
"You are the light of the world," said a wise man once. And I say let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
How lame it is to try and tame
infinity, in all its glory
we limit it to really really big
infinitely big
we say
and there are different sized infinities
this one bigger, this one smaller
and how dumb to try and
quantify an eternity
a really really long time
we say
but who wants to live in a really really
big universe
for a really really
long time?
Isn't infinity the absence of quantity
and eternity the absence of time
outside of quantity, outside of time
that is where infinity and eternity roam
not this, not that
neti, neti
and in this new world,
we live
in infinity
for eternity
How lame it is to try and tame
infinity, in all its glory
we limit it to really really big
infinitely big
we say
and there are different sized infinities
this one bigger, this one smaller
and how dumb to try and
quantify an eternity
a really really long time
we say
but who wants to live in a really really
big universe
for a really really
long time?
Isn't infinity the absence of quantity
and eternity the absence of time
outside of quantity, outside of time
that is where infinity and eternity roam
not this, not that
neti, neti
and in this new world,
we live
in infinity
for eternity
High Society Comes to a Close
Well, that play that I was ever so worried about is now over. Just to show you that half the time, when you worry yourself dizzy about something, it turns out to be not that much of a problem after all.
And now I have a lot of time on my hands. With time off from Hi-Q, concert band coming to a close, and Science Olympiad never practicing for any of my events, I have very little other-planned things to do. Which just gives me more freedom to do what I want. Which I suppose is a blessing, as well as a curse.
Though, I think I know what I'll do. I'll do some more creative writing, maybe learn some discrete math, philosophize more, and learn guitar. That's quite a plate full of activities. Oh, and I'll try to, you know, go out into the real world with people. Sometime.
This has been quite the three day weekend. We really should have these more often.
Well, I don't have much more to say, so, I guess I'll say good bye.
And now I have a lot of time on my hands. With time off from Hi-Q, concert band coming to a close, and Science Olympiad never practicing for any of my events, I have very little other-planned things to do. Which just gives me more freedom to do what I want. Which I suppose is a blessing, as well as a curse.
Though, I think I know what I'll do. I'll do some more creative writing, maybe learn some discrete math, philosophize more, and learn guitar. That's quite a plate full of activities. Oh, and I'll try to, you know, go out into the real world with people. Sometime.
This has been quite the three day weekend. We really should have these more often.
Well, I don't have much more to say, so, I guess I'll say good bye.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Yet Another Great Switchfoot Song
Chem 6a by Switchfoot
Nothing but a chemical in my head
It's nothing but laziness
Cause I don't wanna read the book
I'll watch the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else my age
I think I'd rather play around
And I think I'd rather watch TV
Cause I don't wanna face my fears
I'll watch the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else
I'm just like everybody else
Because I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna see this now
It's all wrong but it's alright
And I don't wanna be here
And I don't wanna study now
It's all wrong but it's alright
I don't know what love is
I don't know who I am
And if I ever want to find out
I'll watch the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else my age
I don't wanna change the world
And I don't wanna be someone
I don't wanna write the book
I'll make the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else
I'm just like everybody else
I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna see this now
It's all wrong but it's alright
And I don't wanna be here
And I don't wanna study now
It's all wrong but it's alright
Nothing but a chemical in my head
It's nothing but laziness
Cause I don't wanna read the book
I'll watch the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else my age
I think I'd rather play around
And I think I'd rather watch TV
Cause I don't wanna face my fears
I'll watch the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else
I'm just like everybody else
Because I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna see this now
It's all wrong but it's alright
And I don't wanna be here
And I don't wanna study now
It's all wrong but it's alright
I don't know what love is
I don't know who I am
And if I ever want to find out
I'll watch the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else my age
I don't wanna change the world
And I don't wanna be someone
I don't wanna write the book
I'll make the movie
Cause it's not me
I'm just like everybody else
I'm just like everybody else
I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna see this now
It's all wrong but it's alright
And I don't wanna be here
And I don't wanna study now
It's all wrong but it's alright
A Discussion with My Self
And here's the first creative piece to be posted since my epiphany about production / consumption. Enjoy.
"A Discussion with My Self" by David Darmon
[The scene opens in a small room on the second story of an even smaller building. A young man, about 20, sits alone, cross-legged on a pillow. His eyes are closed, and he seems to be breathing slowly. By all appearances, he's at peace.]
Young Man: [quickly opening his eyes, in an agitated voice] God damnit. This never seems to work. No matter how many times I do this shit, it never works. [falling to his back] Someday, man. Someday. [he mutters to himself for a few seconds]
[As he gets up to retrieve his computer, he notices someone standing in the shadows in the corner of his room. The man in the shadows is just barely visible. Darkness obscures his features. Taken aback, the young man slowly walks towards the corner, nerves on edge.]
Young Man: [grabbing at the person in the shadows] Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!
Stranger: [completely relaxed and at peace] Who am I? I am that I am.
Young Man: [even more perturbed by the smart remark] Yeah, that's real great asshole, but how about you tell me your real name. Okay? Or else you're going to get hurt. And I mean bad.
Stranger: [smiling] Call me Ishmael.
Young Man: [turning red in the face] Okay, now you're going to get it!
[As the young man swings at the intruder, the intruder dissolves into a cloud of smoke. Seconds later, he reforms, still smiling and at peace.]
Stranger: Why do you strike so hard? Why do you try to hurt me? Why are you so mad?
Young Man: [breathless] Why the fuck do you ask so many questions?
Stranger: [Taken aback] Why do I ask so many question? Why, because it's what I do. Do you ask why a fish swims, or why a bird flys? No, it is simply the nature of those things.
Young Man: [The question diffuses the anger in the young man. He begins to cool. Interested] Okay, I can see this line of questioning isn't going to go very far. Let's try something else. Why are you here? Why did you break into my...
Stranger: [Interupting] I can be nowhere other than where I am. Wherever I go, there I am. And I did not break into "your" anything. Nothing that is yours is not already mine. I am part and parcel to you.
Young Man: [confused] Okay, dude, what the hell are you saying. You sound just like all the crappy koans that I have to read in my shitty Eastern Religious Studies clsses. Heh, maybe you can riddle me this. What's the sound of one hand clapping?
[Suddenly both the young man and the stranger dissappear. In their place, the entire universe spans before them. It's almost as if the entire history of the universe, all 13 billion years of it, occurs before "them" in a single second. Nothing is said, nothing is seen, and yet everything is seen. Just as fast as they dissappeared, the young man and the stranger reappear]
Young Man: Woah! What WAS that?
Stranger: THAT was the sound of one hand clapping. You are that. I am that.
Young Man: Dude, I don't know what's going on here. I don't know who you are. I don't...
Stranger: [interupting again] Then you are already halfway down the path. And the path that may be spoken of is not the true path.
Young Man: Okay, dude, if you don't stop talking in riddles... Just, just. I don't know.
Stranger: [his grin becoming ever wider] I don't speak in riddles. I don't talk in rhymes.
Young Man: I'll ask you one more time. And that's it. Who. Are. You.
Stranger: And I will answer again, as I have answered for eons before and will answer for eons after. I am that. I am you. I am your original face.
[Stepping out from the shadows, the stranger's identity is discovered. He is the young man.]
Young Man: Wait, wait, wait. [falling to the floor] How? Who? What? Why?
[The stranger dissolves into mist, and then the scene fades to that of the young man, sitting on the pillow, peace on his face. A smile breaks accross his lips. He opens his eyes and rises.]
"A Discussion with My Self" by David Darmon
[The scene opens in a small room on the second story of an even smaller building. A young man, about 20, sits alone, cross-legged on a pillow. His eyes are closed, and he seems to be breathing slowly. By all appearances, he's at peace.]
Young Man: [quickly opening his eyes, in an agitated voice] God damnit. This never seems to work. No matter how many times I do this shit, it never works. [falling to his back] Someday, man. Someday. [he mutters to himself for a few seconds]
[As he gets up to retrieve his computer, he notices someone standing in the shadows in the corner of his room. The man in the shadows is just barely visible. Darkness obscures his features. Taken aback, the young man slowly walks towards the corner, nerves on edge.]
Young Man: [grabbing at the person in the shadows] Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!
Stranger: [completely relaxed and at peace] Who am I? I am that I am.
Young Man: [even more perturbed by the smart remark] Yeah, that's real great asshole, but how about you tell me your real name. Okay? Or else you're going to get hurt. And I mean bad.
Stranger: [smiling] Call me Ishmael.
Young Man: [turning red in the face] Okay, now you're going to get it!
[As the young man swings at the intruder, the intruder dissolves into a cloud of smoke. Seconds later, he reforms, still smiling and at peace.]
Stranger: Why do you strike so hard? Why do you try to hurt me? Why are you so mad?
Young Man: [breathless] Why the fuck do you ask so many questions?
Stranger: [Taken aback] Why do I ask so many question? Why, because it's what I do. Do you ask why a fish swims, or why a bird flys? No, it is simply the nature of those things.
Young Man: [The question diffuses the anger in the young man. He begins to cool. Interested] Okay, I can see this line of questioning isn't going to go very far. Let's try something else. Why are you here? Why did you break into my...
Stranger: [Interupting] I can be nowhere other than where I am. Wherever I go, there I am. And I did not break into "your" anything. Nothing that is yours is not already mine. I am part and parcel to you.
Young Man: [confused] Okay, dude, what the hell are you saying. You sound just like all the crappy koans that I have to read in my shitty Eastern Religious Studies clsses. Heh, maybe you can riddle me this. What's the sound of one hand clapping?
[Suddenly both the young man and the stranger dissappear. In their place, the entire universe spans before them. It's almost as if the entire history of the universe, all 13 billion years of it, occurs before "them" in a single second. Nothing is said, nothing is seen, and yet everything is seen. Just as fast as they dissappeared, the young man and the stranger reappear]
Young Man: Woah! What WAS that?
Stranger: THAT was the sound of one hand clapping. You are that. I am that.
Young Man: Dude, I don't know what's going on here. I don't know who you are. I don't...
Stranger: [interupting again] Then you are already halfway down the path. And the path that may be spoken of is not the true path.
Young Man: Okay, dude, if you don't stop talking in riddles... Just, just. I don't know.
Stranger: [his grin becoming ever wider] I don't speak in riddles. I don't talk in rhymes.
Young Man: I'll ask you one more time. And that's it. Who. Are. You.
Stranger: And I will answer again, as I have answered for eons before and will answer for eons after. I am that. I am you. I am your original face.
[Stepping out from the shadows, the stranger's identity is discovered. He is the young man.]
Young Man: Wait, wait, wait. [falling to the floor] How? Who? What? Why?
[The stranger dissolves into mist, and then the scene fades to that of the young man, sitting on the pillow, peace on his face. A smile breaks accross his lips. He opens his eyes and rises.]
A Lesson From Ecology
Disclaimer: To be honest, I know next to nothing about ecology, but I'm going to take my idea and run with it.
In ecology, there are two types of living systems in the ecosystem. The first are producers. These include plants, fungi, bacteria, and any other creature that produces directly from the sun. The second type are consumers. They basically eat the producers. And if all goes well, this system of producing and consuming creates some sort of dynamic equilibrium that yields, well, a healthy ecosystem.
This idea relates to a problem I've been having as of late. I won't rehash the problem that may be found here, but I will restate the main point: namely, that I'm consuming information like a glutton, and doing nothing on the production end. So, I'm being a major consumer, but not a producer. And for me at least, I feel intellectually / creatively constipated. Hm, yes, that's a good metaphor because it literally feels like I'm eating and eating and eating and unable to poop. But poop in this case meaning creating a meaningful product of my own. Hm, maybe not the best metaphor. :)
A better metaphor may have to do with food and exercise. Yes, if you eat healthy food, you'll be relatively healthy. But you'll also get none of the benefits of exercise. Same thing if you exercise but don't eat healthy. The best combination would be to do both. To eat well and exercise.
And that's what I'm going to attempt with information. To not only read but also write. To not just consume, but also produce. Hopefully this give and take, this dynamic sort of equilibrium will allow me to feel less, back to the bad metaphor, intellectually constipated. And less creatively drained.
And all that verbiage basically to say that I'm probably going to be posting more creative (and the occasional analytical) writing on this blog. Just as a way to get my intellectual exercise in. So that I don't get all mentally sedentary.
Oh, and I got all these ideas from a nice little book that Ms. Hanobeck lent to me solely for the purpose of getting a definition. And yet I found in it a much deeper idea of conversational reading and writing. Isn't synchronicity great?
In ecology, there are two types of living systems in the ecosystem. The first are producers. These include plants, fungi, bacteria, and any other creature that produces directly from the sun. The second type are consumers. They basically eat the producers. And if all goes well, this system of producing and consuming creates some sort of dynamic equilibrium that yields, well, a healthy ecosystem.
This idea relates to a problem I've been having as of late. I won't rehash the problem that may be found here, but I will restate the main point: namely, that I'm consuming information like a glutton, and doing nothing on the production end. So, I'm being a major consumer, but not a producer. And for me at least, I feel intellectually / creatively constipated. Hm, yes, that's a good metaphor because it literally feels like I'm eating and eating and eating and unable to poop. But poop in this case meaning creating a meaningful product of my own. Hm, maybe not the best metaphor. :)
A better metaphor may have to do with food and exercise. Yes, if you eat healthy food, you'll be relatively healthy. But you'll also get none of the benefits of exercise. Same thing if you exercise but don't eat healthy. The best combination would be to do both. To eat well and exercise.
And that's what I'm going to attempt with information. To not only read but also write. To not just consume, but also produce. Hopefully this give and take, this dynamic sort of equilibrium will allow me to feel less, back to the bad metaphor, intellectually constipated. And less creatively drained.
And all that verbiage basically to say that I'm probably going to be posting more creative (and the occasional analytical) writing on this blog. Just as a way to get my intellectual exercise in. So that I don't get all mentally sedentary.
Oh, and I got all these ideas from a nice little book that Ms. Hanobeck lent to me solely for the purpose of getting a definition. And yet I found in it a much deeper idea of conversational reading and writing. Isn't synchronicity great?
Friday, December 09, 2005
Good Luck, District Band-ists
Good luck to everyone trying out for District Band. The only advice I can give (from my infinite wisdom) is to relax. You've already prepared as much as you'll be able to. Just let the music play itself.
Do good. :)
Do good. :)
Your equipment DOES NOT affect the quality of your image. The less time and effort you spend worrying about your equipment the more time and effort you can spend creating great images. The right equipment just makes it easier, faster or more convenient for you to get the results you need.
-- Ken Rockwell, Your Camera Does Not Matter, 2005
-- Ken Rockwell, Your Camera Does Not Matter, 2005
Snow Day
Well, and so it is. The boon of every students existence: a snow day!
Thank the snow gods because I totally wasn't ready for a bio test.
But so far I've spent an hour splurging over the interweb because I haven't been able to be online all this week. And now my head hurts. Major information overload. And I don't really think I learned anything. Lesson learned? Probably not.
I really will have to get outside sometime today. I mean, there's snow out there. :)
Thank the snow gods because I totally wasn't ready for a bio test.
But so far I've spent an hour splurging over the interweb because I haven't been able to be online all this week. And now my head hurts. Major information overload. And I don't really think I learned anything. Lesson learned? Probably not.
I really will have to get outside sometime today. I mean, there's snow out there. :)
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Hi Q Team Rocks Even More
Sorry that I haven't been posting a lot recently. As most of you know, I've been busy with this gig I'm doing in a pit band for Chestnut Hill Academy. Fun stuff. Well, not especially. But I'm getting paid for it.
Anyway, this post is a major congrats to the Hi-Q team of the 2005-2006 Season. Why? Because we're kick ass! I mean, this year's season started a month earlier than usual, and we went up against Penncrest, and yet we came out on top with a 56. Major props to Part I and everyone on Part II minus me. :) I didn't really do that much. Unless you consider NATO and graphite to be major accomplishments.
And now we can all look forward to a nice week off from major studiage. Thank God.
And a shaved Mr. Cole. Hehehe. I have to admit, I'm a little scared.
I hope you enjoy your evening. And I hope that the snow gods, in their infinite wisdom, decide that tomorrow would be a good day to cover the roads in their beautiful white... well, whatever the snow gods use to cover the roads.
Quotes of Today:
"Carbon has many allotropes, one of which is diamond. Name a second type, which is found in pencils."
"It's a coffin. A... rat coffin."
Anyway, this post is a major congrats to the Hi-Q team of the 2005-2006 Season. Why? Because we're kick ass! I mean, this year's season started a month earlier than usual, and we went up against Penncrest, and yet we came out on top with a 56. Major props to Part I and everyone on Part II minus me. :) I didn't really do that much. Unless you consider NATO and graphite to be major accomplishments.
And now we can all look forward to a nice week off from major studiage. Thank God.
And a shaved Mr. Cole. Hehehe. I have to admit, I'm a little scared.
I hope you enjoy your evening. And I hope that the snow gods, in their infinite wisdom, decide that tomorrow would be a good day to cover the roads in their beautiful white... well, whatever the snow gods use to cover the roads.
Quotes of Today:
"Carbon has many allotropes, one of which is diamond. Name a second type, which is found in pencils."
"It's a coffin. A... rat coffin."
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Snow Beauty Christmas
NOTE: This is really from last night, but it didn't post. Therefore, I'm posting it now. Enjoy.
I was out for a walk an hour ago. And I must say, snow at night is truly beautiful. The way the light of passing cars illuminates all the snowflakes, it's breathtaking. I'm not one for nature beauty rants, but go out and look sometime. Trust me.
While speaking of beauty, I've come to a sort of resolution involving Christmas and how I, too, can see it's beauty.
We all know how I feel about Christmas. Happy Gift Giving Day, anyone?
But after seeing several signs to the tune of "Put Christ back in Christmas" I've realized something. For me, it's the exact opposite solution that would resolve this. Not to offend anyone, but hasn't Christ already been taken out of Christmas? It's a pretty well-regarded fact that Jesus was not born on December 25th, let alone in the winter1. Therefore, the religious element of Christmas, the part that I've been fighting for since I started my angry "gift giving day" satire, has not ground to stand on.
Then there's the general movement of Christmas away from being a religious holiday at all. I would call this consumerism run wild. Christmas, in a way, has become a gimic for the advancement of business. The liberals want to destroy Christmas? Give me a break.
And yet, there's something truly, simply beautiful about Christmas. Whether it's the weather (wow, great pun...), the general spirit, or the return to a sort of childish (in a good way) joy, Christmas can truly bring out the best in us. There's no doubt it's a beautiful time of year, a time of year that has been celebrated by humans since time memorial. Since far before the "birth" of Christ.
And I have to admit, when I see some of my classmates brimming with joy at the Christmas season and I introspect on myself being a, well, scrooge, I wonder if I'm missing something. And now I think I know what it is/was that I am/was missing: this general spirit of love. That's all that Christmas is really about. Strip away the religion and the consumerism, and what you have is the very heart of Christmas: love.
I can live with that. In fact, I can be god damn merry about that! :)
1 "Based on the accounts in the gospels of the shepherds' activities, the time of year depicted for Jesus' birth could be spring or summer. However, as early as 354, Roman Christians celebrated it following the December solstice in an attempt to replace the Roman pagan festival of Saturnalia." --
I was out for a walk an hour ago. And I must say, snow at night is truly beautiful. The way the light of passing cars illuminates all the snowflakes, it's breathtaking. I'm not one for nature beauty rants, but go out and look sometime. Trust me.
While speaking of beauty, I've come to a sort of resolution involving Christmas and how I, too, can see it's beauty.
We all know how I feel about Christmas. Happy Gift Giving Day, anyone?
But after seeing several signs to the tune of "Put Christ back in Christmas" I've realized something. For me, it's the exact opposite solution that would resolve this. Not to offend anyone, but hasn't Christ already been taken out of Christmas? It's a pretty well-regarded fact that Jesus was not born on December 25th, let alone in the winter1. Therefore, the religious element of Christmas, the part that I've been fighting for since I started my angry "gift giving day" satire, has not ground to stand on.
Then there's the general movement of Christmas away from being a religious holiday at all. I would call this consumerism run wild. Christmas, in a way, has become a gimic for the advancement of business. The liberals want to destroy Christmas? Give me a break.
And yet, there's something truly, simply beautiful about Christmas. Whether it's the weather (wow, great pun...), the general spirit, or the return to a sort of childish (in a good way) joy, Christmas can truly bring out the best in us. There's no doubt it's a beautiful time of year, a time of year that has been celebrated by humans since time memorial. Since far before the "birth" of Christ.
And I have to admit, when I see some of my classmates brimming with joy at the Christmas season and I introspect on myself being a, well, scrooge, I wonder if I'm missing something. And now I think I know what it is/was that I am/was missing: this general spirit of love. That's all that Christmas is really about. Strip away the religion and the consumerism, and what you have is the very heart of Christmas: love.
I can live with that. In fact, I can be god damn merry about that! :)
1 "Based on the accounts in the gospels of the shepherds' activities, the time of year depicted for Jesus' birth could be spring or summer. However, as early as 354, Roman Christians celebrated it following the December solstice in an attempt to replace the Roman pagan festival of Saturnalia." --
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Eighth Grade Jazz Concert
And you get it a day early! Here's the jazz band from our eighth grade year. Ah, the nostalgia.
The "Us Vs. Them" Mentality
I think I've figured out, at least partially, why I have been feeling all sorts of tension at school. It's not all that amazing a discovery. It's basically plain to see. But for me, at least, it was like I was looking at one of those magic eye pictures, and suddenly the 3D picture popped out.
The situations I see manifesting at school are all some form of the "us vs. them" mentality (UVTM). The idea that there is some group I'm in (the "us") and its fighting / disagreeing / competing with some group that I'm not in (the "them"). There are tons of these UVT situations taking place. But I'll just tackle one of them, the one that is probably bothering me the most.
As of late, you can hear me saying in school, jokingly, "I think all of the teachers hate me..." Of course I don't think that the teachers actually hate me. But in the past two weeks or so, I really have been feeling a building tension between "us" (the students) and "them" (the teachers). Actually, this hasn't been going on for only the past two weeks, it's almost been going on since the beginning of the year. It's just that now, it seems to be more present, with more teachers involved.
For example, all but one of my teachers (Ms. Shulman, who isn't really my teacher in the literal sense) have complained about all the school I, and others, have been missing. I can understand their case: we should be in school, learning. And then there is their "agenda": we should be in school, learning, so that they can get more 5s to their name on AP tests. But then I have my case: you don't have to be in school in order to "learn." As I've said, and heard others say, I often learn far more when I'm not in school. And, to be honest and blunt, school is incredibly boring. It, at least public school, is not designed for the upper quarter, or even the upper half, of the student body. I feel this way, and I think that many of my peers feel the same way.
Then there are the threats and / or insults. Teachers threatening us for leaving the school to go on academic trips / events seems incredibly contradictory. And then when we are told that programs like ESP are a waste of resources, what purpose does that statement serve? I don't think that very many of the teachers even know what ESP is about. I mean, it's only been around for a little over a year at the high school. And yet I'm being told it's a waste of time. Why?
And that's just the student / teacher manifestation of the UVTM. And I personally really dislike conflict. Not in the "I want everyone to think the same way as I do" totalitarian sort of way, but in the "wow, can't we reach some common ground and talk through this" democratic sort of way. Hah, I just realized this is the exact same thing going on in politics: the UVTM of Democrats vs. Republicans, red states vs. blue states. And I for one feel incredibly uncomfortable in such an environment.
I suppose the only way to resolve this is to take the "us" and the "them" and turn these two into a "we." And the only way to do that is to not retreat from the situation, as I would so like to, but to go forward in understanding and compassion.
Wow, and I think I'm going to be involved in civics in some way when I'm an adult? How will I deal with the "them" that disagrees with me then when I can't even deal with the "them" that only wants what they believe is the best thing for me now?
This certainly gives me something to chew on.
The situations I see manifesting at school are all some form of the "us vs. them" mentality (UVTM). The idea that there is some group I'm in (the "us") and its fighting / disagreeing / competing with some group that I'm not in (the "them"). There are tons of these UVT situations taking place. But I'll just tackle one of them, the one that is probably bothering me the most.
As of late, you can hear me saying in school, jokingly, "I think all of the teachers hate me..." Of course I don't think that the teachers actually hate me. But in the past two weeks or so, I really have been feeling a building tension between "us" (the students) and "them" (the teachers). Actually, this hasn't been going on for only the past two weeks, it's almost been going on since the beginning of the year. It's just that now, it seems to be more present, with more teachers involved.
For example, all but one of my teachers (Ms. Shulman, who isn't really my teacher in the literal sense) have complained about all the school I, and others, have been missing. I can understand their case: we should be in school, learning. And then there is their "agenda": we should be in school, learning, so that they can get more 5s to their name on AP tests. But then I have my case: you don't have to be in school in order to "learn." As I've said, and heard others say, I often learn far more when I'm not in school. And, to be honest and blunt, school is incredibly boring. It, at least public school, is not designed for the upper quarter, or even the upper half, of the student body. I feel this way, and I think that many of my peers feel the same way.
Then there are the threats and / or insults. Teachers threatening us for leaving the school to go on academic trips / events seems incredibly contradictory. And then when we are told that programs like ESP are a waste of resources, what purpose does that statement serve? I don't think that very many of the teachers even know what ESP is about. I mean, it's only been around for a little over a year at the high school. And yet I'm being told it's a waste of time. Why?
And that's just the student / teacher manifestation of the UVTM. And I personally really dislike conflict. Not in the "I want everyone to think the same way as I do" totalitarian sort of way, but in the "wow, can't we reach some common ground and talk through this" democratic sort of way. Hah, I just realized this is the exact same thing going on in politics: the UVTM of Democrats vs. Republicans, red states vs. blue states. And I for one feel incredibly uncomfortable in such an environment.
I suppose the only way to resolve this is to take the "us" and the "them" and turn these two into a "we." And the only way to do that is to not retreat from the situation, as I would so like to, but to go forward in understanding and compassion.
Wow, and I think I'm going to be involved in civics in some way when I'm an adult? How will I deal with the "them" that disagrees with me then when I can't even deal with the "them" that only wants what they believe is the best thing for me now?
This certainly gives me something to chew on.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Random Poem
Random Poem
The words won't flow
and the thoughts won't come
and nothing's right
and nothing's wrong
Shakespeare, he's a crook
and Frost a liar
Blake's a fraud
and Thoreau a charlatan
Nobody can take credit
for what the spirit does
and it's all just a wisp
a reflection of the divine
How can we take credit
for that which we didn't
do in the first place
in the last place
We're all in this creation game
together, working in this game
half of us won't wake up,
and the other half never went to sleep
What a game we play, lying
Cheating, stealing
Loving, giving
What a game we play
The words won't flow
and the thoughts won't come
and nothing's right
and nothing's wrong
Shakespeare, he's a crook
and Frost a liar
Blake's a fraud
and Thoreau a charlatan
Nobody can take credit
for what the spirit does
and it's all just a wisp
a reflection of the divine
How can we take credit
for that which we didn't
do in the first place
in the last place
We're all in this creation game
together, working in this game
half of us won't wake up,
and the other half never went to sleep
What a game we play, lying
Cheating, stealing
Loving, giving
What a game we play
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Narcissism, Polemicism, Ass-Holism, Hermitism, and Other Isms
This post comes as an apology, a wake-up call, and an informative essay all in one. Exciting, huh?
Today, I was arguing about some completely moot point, and I realised later that such argumentation was really, really dumb. Especially considering I disagreed with the idea that I was arguing for. I just argued for the sake of argument. Just to be argumentative. And that's rather silly, now, isn't it? And way too many uses of the root "argument-".
Though it's been a year since anyone has called me an asshole directly, I feel like I've been rather ass-holish lately. Perhaps I'm being hyper-sensitive to my actions / the actions of others. Or perhaps I really have been an asshole. Either way, I feel "bad" (in the sense that I don't want to be an asshole) about it.
So, that covers the polemicism and assholism front. Now for hermitism. Yeah, I don't really see that as much of a problem. I just needed another -ism word. :)
And now for narcissism. I was thinking that it must be a fine line between introspection and narcissism. And I've probably crossed that line. What's the difference between thinking, 'I'm the center of the universe,' [narcissism] and thinking, 'I should know myself better as to better serve the universe' [introspection]? In fact, is there even a line there? Or are they one and the same?
I guess that's just another question I'll have to answer. For myself. Through introspection. A vicious cycle, isn't it? :)
PS -- Measure for Measure kicked serious ass. It was like Austin Powers, but set in Vienna. Sweet.
Today, I was arguing about some completely moot point, and I realised later that such argumentation was really, really dumb. Especially considering I disagreed with the idea that I was arguing for. I just argued for the sake of argument. Just to be argumentative. And that's rather silly, now, isn't it? And way too many uses of the root "argument-".
Though it's been a year since anyone has called me an asshole directly, I feel like I've been rather ass-holish lately. Perhaps I'm being hyper-sensitive to my actions / the actions of others. Or perhaps I really have been an asshole. Either way, I feel "bad" (in the sense that I don't want to be an asshole) about it.
So, that covers the polemicism and assholism front. Now for hermitism. Yeah, I don't really see that as much of a problem. I just needed another -ism word. :)
And now for narcissism. I was thinking that it must be a fine line between introspection and narcissism. And I've probably crossed that line. What's the difference between thinking, 'I'm the center of the universe,' [narcissism] and thinking, 'I should know myself better as to better serve the universe' [introspection]? In fact, is there even a line there? Or are they one and the same?
I guess that's just another question I'll have to answer. For myself. Through introspection. A vicious cycle, isn't it? :)
PS -- Measure for Measure kicked serious ass. It was like Austin Powers, but set in Vienna. Sweet.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Sweet (and Stuff)
Found yet another interesting article on Dude, this idea seems pretty sweet. Especially for our ADHD, "give it to me now" generation.
On the "Infodict" (that's "information addict" shortened, better, once again, for the ADHD, "give it to me now" mentality :) ) front, I'm slowly weening myself from reading everything that I come across that looks interesting. Not quite giving up the entire interweb / infoweb completely, but definitely using some major moderation. And I find myself asking myself the question, "Do I REALLY need to read this?" much more.
Congrats to the Hi-Q team on getting our act together. Well, everyone pretty much already had their act together. I just finally got mine together. Here's to a sweet year.
And what's up with this new fangled AIM. It has WAY too many bells and whistles. Like, seriously.
Quote of the Day -- "We definitely support any dissident groups that "oppose" (my quotations) Fidel Castro and are willing to remove him from power." - Random Senator at Model Senate on a bill he drafted
On the "Infodict" (that's "information addict" shortened, better, once again, for the ADHD, "give it to me now" mentality :) ) front, I'm slowly weening myself from reading everything that I come across that looks interesting. Not quite giving up the entire interweb / infoweb completely, but definitely using some major moderation. And I find myself asking myself the question, "Do I REALLY need to read this?" much more.
Congrats to the Hi-Q team on getting our act together. Well, everyone pretty much already had their act together. I just finally got mine together. Here's to a sweet year.
And what's up with this new fangled AIM. It has WAY too many bells and whistles. Like, seriously.
Quote of the Day -- "We definitely support any dissident groups that "oppose" (my quotations) Fidel Castro and are willing to remove him from power." - Random Senator at Model Senate on a bill he drafted
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Good News, Bad News
The good news first. We got out of Concert Band 10 minutes early today. Score!
The bad news is that we got our early because Chichester's High School Concert Band sucks major balls. Not all of it. I highly appreciate everyone that doesn't, which includes all the seniors, most of the juniors, and very, very few of the Sophomores and Freshmen.
Maybe I'll elucidate later. Probably not.
Anyway, don't insult Mr. Miller. I knew Mr. Miller. I worked with Mr. Miller, and you sir, are no Mr. Miller.
Wow, can I get pissy. Though I'm not really pissy. I just get this way because it's fun to do every once in a while.
The bad news is that we got our early because Chichester's High School Concert Band sucks major balls. Not all of it. I highly appreciate everyone that doesn't, which includes all the seniors, most of the juniors, and very, very few of the Sophomores and Freshmen.
Maybe I'll elucidate later. Probably not.
Anyway, don't insult Mr. Miller. I knew Mr. Miller. I worked with Mr. Miller, and you sir, are no Mr. Miller.
Wow, can I get pissy. Though I'm not really pissy. I just get this way because it's fun to do every once in a while.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Because I'm not fasting yet...
Most people of today use reason without really knowing the ontogenetic stages that produced it -- namely, the stages of sensorimotor, preop, conop, and then formop. It is simply not immediately obvious to reason that reason itself developed or evolved. And yet reason is the first structure that can impartially reflect on the world. Thus, the natural stance of reason is to simply assume that it is apart from the world and can innocently reflect on it.
-- Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality
Dude, this guy makes me believe in transrational (ie mystical) realities more and more every day. I don't know if his theory is just one big illusion (my "rational" mind would like me to believe so), but if it is, it is a beautiful one to look at. Seventeen years of going Church has taught me less about spirit than Ken Wilber has in half a year.
What can I say. I'm a big fan.
-- Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality
Dude, this guy makes me believe in transrational (ie mystical) realities more and more every day. I don't know if his theory is just one big illusion (my "rational" mind would like me to believe so), but if it is, it is a beautiful one to look at. Seventeen years of going Church has taught me less about spirit than Ken Wilber has in half a year.
What can I say. I'm a big fan.
Addicted to Information?
Last night, I was reading of Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality, and I came across lots of interesting topics, namely mysticism from the classical world (like the works of Plato, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Meister Eckhart, etc.). I proceeded to go onto Amazon and look up these books. I put them on my ever burgeoning wish list which now contains 95 books I "want" to read, spanning from September 2004. And then I got this strange, giddy elation. As if the information in these books would somehow open worlds to me. Almost, dare I say, a "high."
Today, I went online and went through my usual "Integral" websites, a number of which may be found on the side panel of Generation Sit under the title "blogroll." I read through all the entries, then went to,, and I browsed through my e-mails (33 today), at least 10 of which are inspirational quotes, religious excerpts, and motivational information. I then went to Integral Naked and watched the latest videos, with plans of listening to the latest audio offerings sometime soon.
Over break, I read through several books, ranging from general philosophy (The Simple Feeling of Being) to motivational / "self-help" texts(The Seven Habits).
What's my point? Why'd I just drag you through a dull day or so in the life of me? I'm going to put this out there. And you can take it or leave it. But I think I'm addicted to information. In a bad way.
I'm not trying to be a Luddite or anything. The web is an amazing resource. A stunningly great way to be in the know, to help humanity, to spread good, truth, and beauty. But for me personally, is it acting as some sort of drug? I wonder if the future of humanity is to be found in this aether (word to the Old School spelling!), this land that doesn't even exist. Is this (the internet) all there is?
And what happens when I try to find out if "This is all there is"? When I'm not chasing after relative information, what's my next choice? No matter how corny it sounds, there's only one way to put it: "enlightenment." In a way, my journey is just a glorified search for information. The Information that Spawns all Information. The unwrittable writer. The Big E.
Is all this searching getting in my way? All this philosophy, thinking, reading? What has it accomplished? Here. Now.
Sometimes I feel like its all just a big joke. I guess it's better to be trapped into wanting information, rather than drugs, sex, thrills, or any of the other things people became sucked into. I guess.
But it does seem to be getting in the way of my life; in the way of me being a teenager. You know, shouldn't I be driving like an idiot, making out with chicks, and drinking? Isn't that what this part of my life is for? ;)
Or more importantly, is it getting in the way of me being useful to the world? If I'm always the Consumer, then I'm never the Producer. If all I ever do is read, listen, and sit silently, what have I added to the world at large? What part of the suffering have I relieved? How have I made this world, the only one I have, better?
Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ didn't deal with these issues until his mid thirties. Same with the Buddha. I guess that's what I pay for living in this world of Instant Messaging, Instant Meals, and Instant Gratification in general.
Mabye I should go on a fast. An information fast. Go without any interweb, books, television, music or anything outside myself for a week. Maybe that'll help me figure this out. Or maybe I'll go crazy in the process.
Yeah, maybe.
Today, I went online and went through my usual "Integral" websites, a number of which may be found on the side panel of Generation Sit under the title "blogroll." I read through all the entries, then went to,, and I browsed through my e-mails (33 today), at least 10 of which are inspirational quotes, religious excerpts, and motivational information. I then went to Integral Naked and watched the latest videos, with plans of listening to the latest audio offerings sometime soon.
Over break, I read through several books, ranging from general philosophy (The Simple Feeling of Being) to motivational / "self-help" texts(The Seven Habits).
What's my point? Why'd I just drag you through a dull day or so in the life of me? I'm going to put this out there. And you can take it or leave it. But I think I'm addicted to information. In a bad way.
I'm not trying to be a Luddite or anything. The web is an amazing resource. A stunningly great way to be in the know, to help humanity, to spread good, truth, and beauty. But for me personally, is it acting as some sort of drug? I wonder if the future of humanity is to be found in this aether (word to the Old School spelling!), this land that doesn't even exist. Is this (the internet) all there is?
And what happens when I try to find out if "This is all there is"? When I'm not chasing after relative information, what's my next choice? No matter how corny it sounds, there's only one way to put it: "enlightenment." In a way, my journey is just a glorified search for information. The Information that Spawns all Information. The unwrittable writer. The Big E.
Is all this searching getting in my way? All this philosophy, thinking, reading? What has it accomplished? Here. Now.
Sometimes I feel like its all just a big joke. I guess it's better to be trapped into wanting information, rather than drugs, sex, thrills, or any of the other things people became sucked into. I guess.
But it does seem to be getting in the way of my life; in the way of me being a teenager. You know, shouldn't I be driving like an idiot, making out with chicks, and drinking? Isn't that what this part of my life is for? ;)
Or more importantly, is it getting in the way of me being useful to the world? If I'm always the Consumer, then I'm never the Producer. If all I ever do is read, listen, and sit silently, what have I added to the world at large? What part of the suffering have I relieved? How have I made this world, the only one I have, better?
Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ didn't deal with these issues until his mid thirties. Same with the Buddha. I guess that's what I pay for living in this world of Instant Messaging, Instant Meals, and Instant Gratification in general.
Mabye I should go on a fast. An information fast. Go without any interweb, books, television, music or anything outside myself for a week. Maybe that'll help me figure this out. Or maybe I'll go crazy in the process.
Yeah, maybe.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
A Dig Into the Memory Vault
Yesterday, at band, the topic of Concert Band from the middle school was broached. So, today I was thinking and decided to post our Hershey Competition (yeah, the good one) on Multiply.
All I have to say is, yes, we haven't played one good song since Middle School Concert Band. And damn did we sound good. What happened? Oh, yeah, Mr. Miller left. :(
PS -- I'm thinking about posting our Jazz Band performance from 8th grade as well. Not today. Maybe next weekend.
All I have to say is, yes, we haven't played one good song since Middle School Concert Band. And damn did we sound good. What happened? Oh, yeah, Mr. Miller left. :(
PS -- I'm thinking about posting our Jazz Band performance from 8th grade as well. Not today. Maybe next weekend.
Laugh and Weep
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be.
-- William Hazlitt
-- William Hazlitt
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Feeling: Out of this World
I have this really weird feeling of lightness right now. Not necessarily good or bad lightness. Just a general feeling of not really being here.
Don't know why I felt like posting that. But why do anything, right?
Heh, no, I'm not high. Just as close as I can get without the drugs. ;)
P.S. If you need to know what "namaste" means, ask Laura, because she's awesome. :)
Don't know why I felt like posting that. But why do anything, right?
Heh, no, I'm not high. Just as close as I can get without the drugs. ;)
P.S. If you need to know what "namaste" means, ask Laura, because she's awesome. :)
Purty Lyrics
I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
Love of mine some day you will die
But I'll be close behind
I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for the hint of a spark
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
I got my knuckles brusied by a lady in black
And I held my tongue as she told me
"Son fear is the heart of love"
So I never went back
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
You and me have seen everything to see
From Bangkok to Calgary
And the soles of your shoes are all worn down
The time for sleep is now
It's nothing to cry about
Cause we'll hold each other soon
The blackest of rooms
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
Then I'll follow you into the dark
Love of mine some day you will die
But I'll be close behind
I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for the hint of a spark
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
I got my knuckles brusied by a lady in black
And I held my tongue as she told me
"Son fear is the heart of love"
So I never went back
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
You and me have seen everything to see
From Bangkok to Calgary
And the soles of your shoes are all worn down
The time for sleep is now
It's nothing to cry about
Cause we'll hold each other soon
The blackest of rooms
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
Then I'll follow you into the dark
Yahweh is a Volcano God? Who Knew!
I was reading through Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality (great book, I highly recommend), and I came across this assertion by the author:
"[The Hebrew God] was, through and through, a mythic-level production: a geocentric, egocentric, anthropocentric local volcano god..."
Okay, I could agree with all those things except for the whole "volcano god" idea. I'd never heard of that part before. Then I did a little bit of "research" (and by research, I mean I googled "yahweh volcano god"), and came up with this article: Yahweh. It's definitely worth reading, but I'll highlight the interesting part about volcano gods:
"The Israelites had to physically leave Egypt to worship Yahweh. They could not, under any circumstances, worship Him in Egypt, because they could not even see him there. Exodus is very specific as to what they had to see: "They took their journey from Succoth and encamped at Etham, in the edge of the wilderness. The Lord Yahweh went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night (Exodus 13:21)." This is a clear and simple description of an active volcano- - smoke by day, fire by night.
Then, to fully prove this assumption, they gathered around this mountain, and were told that they were never to climb or touch it, on danger of death. "Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever touchesth the mount shall be surely put to death (Exodus 19:12)." The mountain must have been dangerously hot to the touch. The passage continues: "And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord Yahweh descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly." Another clear description of an active volcano. And at this emotionally impressive location Moses gave the Israelites a Code of Law, and reforged a covenant which was to become the basis for the development of monotheism."1
Well then, apparently the bible warrants a closer reading. But at least now I know what allusion to do for my Allusion Card for AP English.
1 Not that I'm trying to dismiss Judaism, or any other mythic religion (as long as it was made at or before the Axial Age). The volcano god is simply a mythic level interpretation of the world. In fact, at that time, that was a rather high level of interpretation. Therefore, Let he who is innocent cast the first stone. By this, I mean I hope that thousands of years from now, when people are quantum leaps ahead of us in cognitive development, they will look back on our "foolish rationalism" with some sympathy and understanding.
"[The Hebrew God] was, through and through, a mythic-level production: a geocentric, egocentric, anthropocentric local volcano god..."
Okay, I could agree with all those things except for the whole "volcano god" idea. I'd never heard of that part before. Then I did a little bit of "research" (and by research, I mean I googled "yahweh volcano god"), and came up with this article: Yahweh. It's definitely worth reading, but I'll highlight the interesting part about volcano gods:
"The Israelites had to physically leave Egypt to worship Yahweh. They could not, under any circumstances, worship Him in Egypt, because they could not even see him there. Exodus is very specific as to what they had to see: "They took their journey from Succoth and encamped at Etham, in the edge of the wilderness. The Lord Yahweh went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night (Exodus 13:21)." This is a clear and simple description of an active volcano- - smoke by day, fire by night.
Then, to fully prove this assumption, they gathered around this mountain, and were told that they were never to climb or touch it, on danger of death. "Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever touchesth the mount shall be surely put to death (Exodus 19:12)." The mountain must have been dangerously hot to the touch. The passage continues: "And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord Yahweh descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly." Another clear description of an active volcano. And at this emotionally impressive location Moses gave the Israelites a Code of Law, and reforged a covenant which was to become the basis for the development of monotheism."1
Well then, apparently the bible warrants a closer reading. But at least now I know what allusion to do for my Allusion Card for AP English.
1 Not that I'm trying to dismiss Judaism, or any other mythic religion (as long as it was made at or before the Axial Age). The volcano god is simply a mythic level interpretation of the world. In fact, at that time, that was a rather high level of interpretation. Therefore, Let he who is innocent cast the first stone. By this, I mean I hope that thousands of years from now, when people are quantum leaps ahead of us in cognitive development, they will look back on our "foolish rationalism" with some sympathy and understanding.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Well, Hello There
Don't really have much to add. As of late, I've been doing major mindfulness practice in everyday life. As in, I've been looking at when, where, what, and why I do things. It's really an eye opening experience. It taught me things like: I spend way too much time consuming information and far too little producing it; I can very easily get off task if I'm not paying attention; half the time I don't even know why I'm doing things; and many many more things.
Not all that useful to you. Moderately useful to me. Just thought I'd share.
Enjoy this weekend. Time off is a great, beautiful, delicious, great thing.
Not all that useful to you. Moderately useful to me. Just thought I'd share.
Enjoy this weekend. Time off is a great, beautiful, delicious, great thing.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, all.
At this beautifully unique moment (the only one of its kind), the best thing I can share is this: In Breath, Out Breath. Just this.
At this beautifully unique moment (the only one of its kind), the best thing I can share is this: In Breath, Out Breath. Just this.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Change Artist Quotes
"When every evening is New Year’s Eve and every day you awaken is New Year’s Day, you are living life as it was intended." -- Bernie Siegel
"Composer John Cage once said that paralysis often comes from not knowing where to begin. When the issues we face seem too daunting, consider his suggestion: 'Begin anywhere.'" -- From Massive Change
"Composer John Cage once said that paralysis often comes from not knowing where to begin. When the issues we face seem too daunting, consider his suggestion: 'Begin anywhere.'" -- From Massive Change
Groan Sound...
Let me warn you: this, chances are, is going to make very little sense. And on that note, I proceed.
I'm in a little bit of a funk. Not just today, but in general. Not necessarily a bad funk. But a funky funk. The kind of funk that makes you sit there and go: dude, this sure is a funk. You know that kind of funk?
And in that funk, I feel like I'm stuck. But I suppose that'd be the definition of a funk. I feel like I'm running, but instead of going towards the horizon (which at least gives the illusion of approaching me for my efforts), I'm running on a treadmill: there isn't even the illusion of progress. Everything just is, and I am. And that's all that I know. And that's all there is. No point. No goal. Very "existential." Very bitchy.
But while this whole "funkiness" is going on, I've been incubating an idea about being a change artist. The idea goes something like this: the universe itself is a creative force. Everything is constantly changing. Nothing stays the same. Equilibrium is death. No moment (however YOU define a moment [yes, that was for you Ed]) is exactly the same. There have been trillions of trillions of novel moments since the Big Bang. Maybe a few more before then. But the point is that change and the universe are synonymous.
And if change is what the universe is about, and if I contain the universe in myself, shouldn't I be a change-ist. Someone that is constantly testing the stormy seas, constantly going for the brass (gold?) ring. Shouldn't change be my purpose in life? Change, in the name of Love, of course. But change nevertheless.
I haven't fleshed out this whole change artist thing yet. It's just like everything else in my life: I find it much more exciting to think about than to actually do it. I'm so f-ing addicted to dreaming about things instead of doing them. It's got to be pathological. I don't know what they call it, but I'm sure they call it something.
And now that I've gotten all this bitching out of the way, do I know what tomorrow is? It's mother f-ing Thanksgiving. The day I give thanks for everything. I don't usually do Thanksgiving all that well. I just kinda eat the food (food I don't especially enjoy), have fun with the family, and enjoy the time off. And then the next day I just plunge into the great unknown, or more often than not, sit on the shores of the great unknown and pick my nose. What the f.
How beautiful is existence? How beautiful is my life? How beautiful is this universe I call home. I'll tell you right now: it's infinitely beautiful. And I don't stop to see that anywhere near enough. It's a f-ing amazing place. And I'm lucky to be a part of it, now. The only time I could ever be a part of it: now.
But at the same time, aching in the back of my mind, is this feeling of jizzing all my energy away in some sort of great spiritual masturbation. I read a great poem at called "Self-Portrait, Masturbating." I've never summed up how I feel about my life at this moment better than that. Here it is, thanks to Mr. Steve Gehrke.
Self-Portrait, Masturbating by Steve Gehrke
Here he is again, distracted, lonely,
pulling at the doll-strings of desire,
fingering his sheet music of moans,
whispers, his holy name, the whole choir
trying to sing the body from its cave,
to ignite the risen body into flames,
though the self, to flee its own decay,
must be beaten, must bloody the reins,
which is why he collapses on the spill-
cloth when he's done, his body half-exhumed
from the mirror, the painting like a meal
half-eaten on the canvas, sloppy, ungroomed,
his eyes deadened, pupils like swatted flies,
and the opened robe swanning from his sides.
Holy poo, there it is in black and white. But God is my life so much better than it has been. Life is beautiful, fun, joyful, and kickass.
And still I find time to bitch. :)
I'm in a little bit of a funk. Not just today, but in general. Not necessarily a bad funk. But a funky funk. The kind of funk that makes you sit there and go: dude, this sure is a funk. You know that kind of funk?
And in that funk, I feel like I'm stuck. But I suppose that'd be the definition of a funk. I feel like I'm running, but instead of going towards the horizon (which at least gives the illusion of approaching me for my efforts), I'm running on a treadmill: there isn't even the illusion of progress. Everything just is, and I am. And that's all that I know. And that's all there is. No point. No goal. Very "existential." Very bitchy.
But while this whole "funkiness" is going on, I've been incubating an idea about being a change artist. The idea goes something like this: the universe itself is a creative force. Everything is constantly changing. Nothing stays the same. Equilibrium is death. No moment (however YOU define a moment [yes, that was for you Ed]) is exactly the same. There have been trillions of trillions of novel moments since the Big Bang. Maybe a few more before then. But the point is that change and the universe are synonymous.
And if change is what the universe is about, and if I contain the universe in myself, shouldn't I be a change-ist. Someone that is constantly testing the stormy seas, constantly going for the brass (gold?) ring. Shouldn't change be my purpose in life? Change, in the name of Love, of course. But change nevertheless.
I haven't fleshed out this whole change artist thing yet. It's just like everything else in my life: I find it much more exciting to think about than to actually do it. I'm so f-ing addicted to dreaming about things instead of doing them. It's got to be pathological. I don't know what they call it, but I'm sure they call it something.
And now that I've gotten all this bitching out of the way, do I know what tomorrow is? It's mother f-ing Thanksgiving. The day I give thanks for everything. I don't usually do Thanksgiving all that well. I just kinda eat the food (food I don't especially enjoy), have fun with the family, and enjoy the time off. And then the next day I just plunge into the great unknown, or more often than not, sit on the shores of the great unknown and pick my nose. What the f.
How beautiful is existence? How beautiful is my life? How beautiful is this universe I call home. I'll tell you right now: it's infinitely beautiful. And I don't stop to see that anywhere near enough. It's a f-ing amazing place. And I'm lucky to be a part of it, now. The only time I could ever be a part of it: now.
But at the same time, aching in the back of my mind, is this feeling of jizzing all my energy away in some sort of great spiritual masturbation. I read a great poem at called "Self-Portrait, Masturbating." I've never summed up how I feel about my life at this moment better than that. Here it is, thanks to Mr. Steve Gehrke.
Self-Portrait, Masturbating by Steve Gehrke
Here he is again, distracted, lonely,
pulling at the doll-strings of desire,
fingering his sheet music of moans,
whispers, his holy name, the whole choir
trying to sing the body from its cave,
to ignite the risen body into flames,
though the self, to flee its own decay,
must be beaten, must bloody the reins,
which is why he collapses on the spill-
cloth when he's done, his body half-exhumed
from the mirror, the painting like a meal
half-eaten on the canvas, sloppy, ungroomed,
his eyes deadened, pupils like swatted flies,
and the opened robe swanning from his sides.
Holy poo, there it is in black and white. But God is my life so much better than it has been. Life is beautiful, fun, joyful, and kickass.
And still I find time to bitch. :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Guess the Religion!
After a nice trip to the University of Pennsylvania's Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, some people have asked me to put up a website that questions you and then offers you your "optimum" fate. This can be found at Beliefnet.
I figure in the name of intellectual honesty, I'll post my results. They are as follows (the top ten, anyway):
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (96%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (95%)
4. Neo-Pagan (93%)
5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (92%)
6. Liberal Quakers (88%)
7. New Age (88%)
8. New Thought (88%)
9. Theravada Buddhism (84%)
10. Taoism (83%)
Those results make sense. Kinda.
Yeah, sorry, not really feeling like thinking all that much today. More like just being a sponge. I'm uber tired. Does it show?
If you feel so moved, feel free to take the quiz and post your results here.
I figure in the name of intellectual honesty, I'll post my results. They are as follows (the top ten, anyway):
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (96%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (95%)
4. Neo-Pagan (93%)
5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (92%)
6. Liberal Quakers (88%)
7. New Age (88%)
8. New Thought (88%)
9. Theravada Buddhism (84%)
10. Taoism (83%)
Those results make sense. Kinda.
Yeah, sorry, not really feeling like thinking all that much today. More like just being a sponge. I'm uber tired. Does it show?
If you feel so moved, feel free to take the quiz and post your results here.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Non-Philosophy Post (Woo Hoo!)
I'm going to take the day off from philosophy and instead tell a funny story with a good point.
Last week in AP English, Ms. Hanobeck was teaching us about William Shakespeare's sonnets. As she went through the different numbers and what they related to, she came to the last few, numbers 127 through 152, which are about a "Dark Lady." Then this dialogue ensued:
Hanobeck: Some people say that the Dark Lady is African American. Or, I guess she'd be African English? Hm, I don't know the right to say what she is...
Me: (rolling eyes) Black, maybe?
Hanobeck: (gives evil look)
Yeah, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone that is overly PC (politically correct). In Japan, they have a word for the process of being PC: kotobagari. So I say, don't be a kotobagarist! Being PC doesn't make you a better person and using euphemisms instead of real words doesn't make the world a better place. If you're going to be compassionate, don't be idiotically compassionate.
And now I'm done with my rant. I hope that you at least got a chuckle out of it.
PS -- Hm, maybe this is why Ms. Hanobeck thinks I'm close minded. Silly her.
Last week in AP English, Ms. Hanobeck was teaching us about William Shakespeare's sonnets. As she went through the different numbers and what they related to, she came to the last few, numbers 127 through 152, which are about a "Dark Lady." Then this dialogue ensued:
Hanobeck: Some people say that the Dark Lady is African American. Or, I guess she'd be African English? Hm, I don't know the right to say what she is...
Me: (rolling eyes) Black, maybe?
Hanobeck: (gives evil look)
Yeah, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone that is overly PC (politically correct). In Japan, they have a word for the process of being PC: kotobagari. So I say, don't be a kotobagarist! Being PC doesn't make you a better person and using euphemisms instead of real words doesn't make the world a better place. If you're going to be compassionate, don't be idiotically compassionate.
And now I'm done with my rant. I hope that you at least got a chuckle out of it.
PS -- Hm, maybe this is why Ms. Hanobeck thinks I'm close minded. Silly her.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Cognitive Development
You know, if I didn't want to go into physics, one of my other top choices, next to a life as a monk, would involve psychology. In the past year, I've learned a lot about psychology that I would have never even thought possible. Here's one of these more interesting points in terms of developmental psychology. What you can think changes as you age!
It seems rather intuitive once you hear it, but I never really thought of it until I saw the idea for the first time. As you go through different stages of development, you literally open up whole new worlds to explore. Just as a 5 year old child could never understand that two glasses may have different heights but the same volume, who knows what level of knowledge we can't even see. To believe that the rational mode of the thought is the highest level of development is a major form of rationalcentrism. That's exactly what every other group that reached the "pinnacle" of their modes of seeing the world thought.
Seriously, why would it stop there?
Just think of all the worlds out there to explore if we'll just continue to grow. Holy Fuck.
Speaking of holy, transpersonal psychologists claim that spiritual realizations exist at levels of development beyond the rational (ie formal operational) mode of thought. And who's to say they're wrong? The only way to find out is to take up a spiritual practice and dig in. Just like a child couldn't possibly see, let alone understand, the idea of imaginary numbers, perhaps a person stuck at the rational stage of development couldn't possibly see nor understand the concept of Emptiness, the Absolute, etc. No matter what, though, it's fun to think of staunch rationalists like Richard Dawkin's as a temper-tantruming child.
PS I realize that much of the world's religions are based on mythology, and limitting mythology at that. Such thought probably came about as a result of developing through that level of cognitivie capacity and a negligence to transcend said level. The variety of spirituality / religion that I'm espousing (though I'm not really even espousing it) involves "true" (to the extent that it's more authentic) religion and spirituality. Religion and spirituality that is at least rational, if not trans-rational.
PPS Wow, I definitely didn't intend for this post to be so philosophical / spiritual sounding. I just wanted to post the cool website about cognitive development. Oops. How the mind runs when left unchecked.
It seems rather intuitive once you hear it, but I never really thought of it until I saw the idea for the first time. As you go through different stages of development, you literally open up whole new worlds to explore. Just as a 5 year old child could never understand that two glasses may have different heights but the same volume, who knows what level of knowledge we can't even see. To believe that the rational mode of the thought is the highest level of development is a major form of rationalcentrism. That's exactly what every other group that reached the "pinnacle" of their modes of seeing the world thought.
Seriously, why would it stop there?
Just think of all the worlds out there to explore if we'll just continue to grow. Holy Fuck.
Speaking of holy, transpersonal psychologists claim that spiritual realizations exist at levels of development beyond the rational (ie formal operational) mode of thought. And who's to say they're wrong? The only way to find out is to take up a spiritual practice and dig in. Just like a child couldn't possibly see, let alone understand, the idea of imaginary numbers, perhaps a person stuck at the rational stage of development couldn't possibly see nor understand the concept of Emptiness, the Absolute, etc. No matter what, though, it's fun to think of staunch rationalists like Richard Dawkin's as a temper-tantruming child.
PS I realize that much of the world's religions are based on mythology, and limitting mythology at that. Such thought probably came about as a result of developing through that level of cognitivie capacity and a negligence to transcend said level. The variety of spirituality / religion that I'm espousing (though I'm not really even espousing it) involves "true" (to the extent that it's more authentic) religion and spirituality. Religion and spirituality that is at least rational, if not trans-rational.
PPS Wow, I definitely didn't intend for this post to be so philosophical / spiritual sounding. I just wanted to post the cool website about cognitive development. Oops. How the mind runs when left unchecked.
This is a Hurt Free Zone!
Well, that last post seemed to bring out some hurtfulness in people. I'm sure that Dave didn't mean to insult anonymous (who I don't know if said anonymous wants to be known), but it did not come off that way. So, please make up. Thank you. I don't want anyone to feel as if they can't/shouldn't post because their ideas will be criticized. I appreciate everyone's input (except for the crazy advertising people... you can insult them all you want. :))
And to anonymous, I find these posts mostly on either or These are two of the best online news / opinion sites I've found. Another good site is, though that's more for if you're into technology and such.
Namaste, truly, All.
And to anonymous, I find these posts mostly on either or These are two of the best online news / opinion sites I've found. Another good site is, though that's more for if you're into technology and such.
Namaste, truly, All.
A Bajillion and One Ideas (Start at 1)
I have about a billion post ideas that I could write about now. So, I'm going to start at the first one, and then work my way through them, hopefully, as the day goes on. Though more often than not, when I say that the ideas just kind of fall to the wayside and never get communicated. They go to that great big Idea Heaven in the Sky.
First topic: mediocrity. It comes back to what I said in my third post ever. The idea is that somehow, speaking for myself at least, I'm not really living. I mean, I get up in the morning, and I "live." But living is truly an art, and to play the piano is not to be a pianist. You have to know how to make the instrument sing. Same thing here. Living is an artform, and some make their lives sing, while others don't. I want to make mine sing.
This thought came up from this article. If you read the first few paragraphs and the last few, you'll get the main, and best, jist of the articles important ideas. It's so true. For me, at least.
One idea down. Billion minus one to go!
First topic: mediocrity. It comes back to what I said in my third post ever. The idea is that somehow, speaking for myself at least, I'm not really living. I mean, I get up in the morning, and I "live." But living is truly an art, and to play the piano is not to be a pianist. You have to know how to make the instrument sing. Same thing here. Living is an artform, and some make their lives sing, while others don't. I want to make mine sing.
This thought came up from this article. If you read the first few paragraphs and the last few, you'll get the main, and best, jist of the articles important ideas. It's so true. For me, at least.
One idea down. Billion minus one to go!
Friday, November 18, 2005
So, while stretching post-workout, I had this strange thought. I started to try and think about what my life was like before I was born. I realize that this is paradoxical, since there was no "I" to be "like" anything. But just go with me on this.
I thought about this for a minute or so, and then realized it was "like" nothing. I don't remember it. I can't, there was no "I" to remember it. And that is/was okay. The emptiness, the nothing was okay. And that's what death may* be like. Just nothing. It's like birth, in reverse. Which reminds me of the song "Practice Dying." Hm, maybe this idea wasn't so much my own. But I like to pretend.
Of course I'm still scared of death on some level. That's only natural. It's an evolutionary instinct plugged into me the Kosmos. But the thought that it's nothing more than birth in reverse is a little comforting. For me at least.
* I put a footnote here because I don't know what happens after death. I don't think anyone does. Do we reincarnate? Do we go into Heaven or Hell? Do we, well, nothing? Or do we do none/all of the above. The Kosmos is way to weird for me to ever claim to know the answer to this question. I'm just offering one possible scenario.
I thought about this for a minute or so, and then realized it was "like" nothing. I don't remember it. I can't, there was no "I" to remember it. And that is/was okay. The emptiness, the nothing was okay. And that's what death may* be like. Just nothing. It's like birth, in reverse. Which reminds me of the song "Practice Dying." Hm, maybe this idea wasn't so much my own. But I like to pretend.
Of course I'm still scared of death on some level. That's only natural. It's an evolutionary instinct plugged into me the Kosmos. But the thought that it's nothing more than birth in reverse is a little comforting. For me at least.
* I put a footnote here because I don't know what happens after death. I don't think anyone does. Do we reincarnate? Do we go into Heaven or Hell? Do we, well, nothing? Or do we do none/all of the above. The Kosmos is way to weird for me to ever claim to know the answer to this question. I'm just offering one possible scenario.
Reconsidering this Whole "Hippie" Idea
Found this scathing review of hippie-dom by Stuart Davis:
"[Because] that hippy bullshit is just pre-conventional, self indulgent masturbation masquerading as post-conventional non-conformity. And that's ice in Love's underwear. The pre-conventional / post-conventional shell game is as old as the human condition. Every unkempt, malodorous counter-culture freak who's gone camping and taken acid thinks he's John The Baptist (post conventional), and the fact is, they're not."
Good point. Similar to what Brian Sheridan has constantly told me when I say I'm a "hippie." Perhaps I need a new group to identify with. I suppose I don't really know who the hippies were. They just seem so cool with the love, peace, and what not. Oh well, acceptance is the first step towards recovery. :)
"[Because] that hippy bullshit is just pre-conventional, self indulgent masturbation masquerading as post-conventional non-conformity. And that's ice in Love's underwear. The pre-conventional / post-conventional shell game is as old as the human condition. Every unkempt, malodorous counter-culture freak who's gone camping and taken acid thinks he's John The Baptist (post conventional), and the fact is, they're not."
Good point. Similar to what Brian Sheridan has constantly told me when I say I'm a "hippie." Perhaps I need a new group to identify with. I suppose I don't really know who the hippies were. They just seem so cool with the love, peace, and what not. Oh well, acceptance is the first step towards recovery. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Food For Thought (What a Horrible Pun)
I was reading a story from this series (I don't know what it's called, but it's essentially about the economy / technology of the future), and I came accross this quote:
"Sure, will-power. Will-power nothing. The thing is, when three quarters of America are obese, when half are dangerously obese, like me, years off our lives from all the fat -- that tells you that this isn't a will-power problem. We didn't get less willful in the last fifty years. Might as well say that all those people who died of the plague lacked the will-power to keep their houses free of rats. Fat isn't moral, it's epidemiological. There are a small number of people, a tiny minority, whose genes are short-circuited in a way that makes them less prone to retaining nutrients. That's a maladaptive trait through most of human history -- burning unnecessary calories when you've got to chase down an antelope to get more, that's no way to live long enough to pass on your genes! So you and Perry over here with your little skinny selves, able to pack away transfats and high-fructose corn-syrup and a pound of candy for breakfast at the IHOP, you're not doing this on will-power -- you're doing it by expressing the somatype of a recessive, counter-survival gene.
Would I like to be thinner? Sure. But I'm not gonna let the fact that I'm genetically better suited to famine than feast get to me. Speaking of, let's eat."
Damn. That'll show my skinny ass what's up. I never thought of it that way. I suppose most people never do.
Anyway, the rest of the series is full of good stuff. Real utopian.
PS - Man, all this reading on Transcendentalism is really getting to me. I sure hope my "teaching" tomorrow is up to Ms. Shulman's level.
"Sure, will-power. Will-power nothing. The thing is, when three quarters of America are obese, when half are dangerously obese, like me, years off our lives from all the fat -- that tells you that this isn't a will-power problem. We didn't get less willful in the last fifty years. Might as well say that all those people who died of the plague lacked the will-power to keep their houses free of rats. Fat isn't moral, it's epidemiological. There are a small number of people, a tiny minority, whose genes are short-circuited in a way that makes them less prone to retaining nutrients. That's a maladaptive trait through most of human history -- burning unnecessary calories when you've got to chase down an antelope to get more, that's no way to live long enough to pass on your genes! So you and Perry over here with your little skinny selves, able to pack away transfats and high-fructose corn-syrup and a pound of candy for breakfast at the IHOP, you're not doing this on will-power -- you're doing it by expressing the somatype of a recessive, counter-survival gene.
Would I like to be thinner? Sure. But I'm not gonna let the fact that I'm genetically better suited to famine than feast get to me. Speaking of, let's eat."
Damn. That'll show my skinny ass what's up. I never thought of it that way. I suppose most people never do.
Anyway, the rest of the series is full of good stuff. Real utopian.
PS - Man, all this reading on Transcendentalism is really getting to me. I sure hope my "teaching" tomorrow is up to Ms. Shulman's level.
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