Monday, November 28, 2005

Because I'm not fasting yet...

Most people of today use reason without really knowing the ontogenetic stages that produced it -- namely, the stages of sensorimotor, preop, conop, and then formop. It is simply not immediately obvious to reason that reason itself developed or evolved. And yet reason is the first structure that can impartially reflect on the world. Thus, the natural stance of reason is to simply assume that it is apart from the world and can innocently reflect on it.

-- Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality

Dude, this guy makes me believe in transrational (ie mystical) realities more and more every day. I don't know if his theory is just one big illusion (my "rational" mind would like me to believe so), but if it is, it is a beautiful one to look at. Seventeen years of going Church has taught me less about spirit than Ken Wilber has in half a year.

What can I say. I'm a big fan.


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