Monday, November 21, 2005

Non-Philosophy Post (Woo Hoo!)

I'm going to take the day off from philosophy and instead tell a funny story with a good point.

Last week in AP English, Ms. Hanobeck was teaching us about William Shakespeare's sonnets. As she went through the different numbers and what they related to, she came to the last few, numbers 127 through 152, which are about a "Dark Lady." Then this dialogue ensued:

Hanobeck: Some people say that the Dark Lady is African American. Or, I guess she'd be African English? Hm, I don't know the right to say what she is...

Me: (rolling eyes) Black, maybe?

Hanobeck: (gives evil look)

Yeah, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone that is overly PC (politically correct). In Japan, they have a word for the process of being PC: kotobagari. So I say, don't be a kotobagarist! Being PC doesn't make you a better person and using euphemisms instead of real words doesn't make the world a better place. If you're going to be compassionate, don't be idiotically compassionate.

And now I'm done with my rant. I hope that you at least got a chuckle out of it.

PS -- Hm, maybe this is why Ms. Hanobeck thinks I'm close minded. Silly her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah... if there's anything that people hate more than a deushe-bag, it's a dishonest deushe-bag.

I mean... I hear conversations randomly where Brian Molineux was talking to Taja and was like, "Yeah, I don't think my mom would be ok with me going out with you. It's because you're black"

There's nothing wrong with that... I mean, how often to you go around calling someone an asshole? Insults in good taste are ok. But then again... I guess it depends on who you're dealing with. Most black people I know would punch you in the face if you made a racist joke. But then you have people like Mason who can take a joke. Being black isn't the problem, it's being retarted. Wow... dude... I just kinda went off on a tangent there. Oh well.