Friday, November 11, 2005

Holy Shit!

And I mean that both literally and figuratively. Just check out this article. And then tell me if that doesn't make you laugh and cower in fear at the same time. I mean, seriously, this dude must believe in some white haired, bearded Zeus that sits on a cloud and hurls lightning bolts. The only difference between him and the ancient Greeks is he calls the dude "God."

Like I said, it'd be hilarious if it weren't so scary. This guy has a whole channel to himself. And he spews out this stuff. And I assume someone eats it up. Not that I'm saying he's "bad" per se, anymore than an infant that throws a temper-tantrum is "bad." It's just, you should grow up eventually. You can respect the tantrum, until it becomes a tantrum thrown by a 75 year old man. Then it becomes a little embarassing, for him and us.

Not that my vitriol adds anything positive to the situation. I can respect this man. I can respect his opinion. But I also am forced to disagree with it. And not even on theological grounds (there are 100 and 1 reasons why that type of God makes no sense), but on moral ones. You don't condemn people to destruction because they disagree with you. Or, let me rephrase that. A well adjusted American in the 21st century shouldn't do that.

Enough of my punditry. Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A.)That article is fucking awesome
B.)Hahaha yeah, I guess you could say I'm training to be batman... although the practical applications of rebuilding my neurological pathways are almost endless.
C.)With the comment you had about training mentally, I'm not sure how clear I made it but most of my training is mental. But it does involve physical aspects. Elementally, however, I could reflect on what should be going on my mind in a hypothetical situation, but kinesthetics actually build the pathways in the brain.
D.)You better fucking do good tomorrow because it's your last chance. I mean, you wouldn't want to suck at your last band competition would you [cough, oh god, couldn't say that with a straight face]?
E.)D sounded a little too mean. Have fun tomorrow and do well.
F.)I will, perhaps, have plans for us tomorrow evening. Prepare to be briefed around... I guess 5:15. I shall call you regardless of whether or not something is going on. If I didn't call you, that either means something is happening and I forgot to call you [15%], or nothing's going on and I'm occupied with something else [85%].