Friday, November 18, 2005


So, while stretching post-workout, I had this strange thought. I started to try and think about what my life was like before I was born. I realize that this is paradoxical, since there was no "I" to be "like" anything. But just go with me on this.

I thought about this for a minute or so, and then realized it was "like" nothing. I don't remember it. I can't, there was no "I" to remember it. And that is/was okay. The emptiness, the nothing was okay. And that's what death may* be like. Just nothing. It's like birth, in reverse. Which reminds me of the song "Practice Dying." Hm, maybe this idea wasn't so much my own. But I like to pretend.

Of course I'm still scared of death on some level. That's only natural. It's an evolutionary instinct plugged into me the Kosmos. But the thought that it's nothing more than birth in reverse is a little comforting. For me at least.

* I put a footnote here because I don't know what happens after death. I don't think anyone does. Do we reincarnate? Do we go into Heaven or Hell? Do we, well, nothing? Or do we do none/all of the above. The Kosmos is way to weird for me to ever claim to know the answer to this question. I'm just offering one possible scenario.


Anonymous said...

well, there's one way to find out

*smiles while sliding a knive presumptuously close to you*

Um, before you try it though, help me think of a plan that made it look like I was trying to save you. lol jk

Anonymous said...

Wow, who spells the word 'kosmos'? You and your stupid hippie ideals. At least spell cosmos like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

when i think about that kind of stuff it makes my stomach hurt..
not being here, just like not existing at all, the world goes on but will you know it? will your 'spirit' live? or will you just blink out and be nothing? picturing dying is creepy
now i dont feel so good... and that was just a little of what goes through my head sometimes :-\

Anonymous said...

I find that everything is good in moderation... thought especially.

Think too much and you'll go mad. I guarantee it. Anytime I start thinking too much and ponder death, life, and ties that bind the two a little too deeply I make myself go do something that makes me use my mind.

I have no idea if anyone has said this before... if not, then its my own quote:

Ponder the sorrows of the world and you'll soon take them upon you.