Thursday, December 01, 2005

Narcissism, Polemicism, Ass-Holism, Hermitism, and Other Isms

This post comes as an apology, a wake-up call, and an informative essay all in one. Exciting, huh?

Today, I was arguing about some completely moot point, and I realised later that such argumentation was really, really dumb. Especially considering I disagreed with the idea that I was arguing for. I just argued for the sake of argument. Just to be argumentative. And that's rather silly, now, isn't it? And way too many uses of the root "argument-".

Though it's been a year since anyone has called me an asshole directly, I feel like I've been rather ass-holish lately. Perhaps I'm being hyper-sensitive to my actions / the actions of others. Or perhaps I really have been an asshole. Either way, I feel "bad" (in the sense that I don't want to be an asshole) about it.

So, that covers the polemicism and assholism front. Now for hermitism. Yeah, I don't really see that as much of a problem. I just needed another -ism word. :)

And now for narcissism. I was thinking that it must be a fine line between introspection and narcissism. And I've probably crossed that line. What's the difference between thinking, 'I'm the center of the universe,' [narcissism] and thinking, 'I should know myself better as to better serve the universe' [introspection]? In fact, is there even a line there? Or are they one and the same?

I guess that's just another question I'll have to answer. For myself. Through introspection. A vicious cycle, isn't it? :)

PS -- Measure for Measure kicked serious ass. It was like Austin Powers, but set in Vienna. Sweet.


Anonymous said...

But Dave, you were a politician, that's what they're supposed to do, lol.

I don't think you've been an asshole. Don't let others tell you that you've come down with narcissism. And if you've diagnosed yourself with it... well... don't do that. In effort to prevent narcissism, you wind up relinquishing your efforts and talents to satisfy others. Stand out in the crowd; remember Henry David Thoreau. Now go kick the worlds ass!

Anonymous said...

hey dave----

you rock!

lol yay