Tuesday, June 07, 2005


A brief post before I watch House, a great show, I must say. So, after watching The Incredibles, I can't help but think how much our society pushes for the "status quo." Being "incredible" is no longer looked upon as a great thing. Instead, we ask for everyone to be "average", although by definition that is just impossible. Anyway, I think we should all ask ourselves how we can be just a little bit better, how we can use our skills a little bit more. And if you can't come up with anything, then look harder.

Well, that's all for now. I hope that those of you out there that don't hate me / think I'm a crazy stalker maniac (you know who you are! :-) ) enjoyed this. I plan to put up more great thoughts as they come to me!

And remember, be INCREDIBLE!!

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