Tuesday, June 14, 2005


That's right, it's that time of year again. The Class of 2005 is out. And now we're Seniors. Wow.

Anyway, I really liked Ryan Chominski's graduation speech. I hope that mine can be equally good. I have no idea what I'm going to say, and I know that I have a year left to think about it. And don't give me that, "Wow, you're really conceited to think that you're going to be Valedictorian!" crap. Okay. I'm sorry, but with the luck I've had with schedules and the bad luck others have had, I win. Whether I deserve it or not. If that insults you, feel free to end my day. You'll make a good number of people happy.

Well, one more final and then "we out." I hate that phrase, I really do. Well, I'll be seeing some of you over the summer, others next year, and a few never. So, 'til we meet again, "there's always time / on my mind / so pass me by / i'll be fine /just give me time." Bye.


Barx Atthemoon, Warden of Tunare said...

We out dawg, we out.

Anonymous said...

hey we are seniors now !! go us!! love alyssa frieze