Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Ego Killing Machine

They should call Governor's School the "kill Dave Darmon's ego" school. This place is really humbling me. I mean, I've always known I'm not a "genius" but rather just a slightly above average person that has an excellent ability to remember stuff. Now I'm meeting the geniuses.

And the really cool thing is that these aren't people who are just geniuses cognitively. They're also social, seem to have common sense, and in general are awesome people. It's scary. There are a few "geeky" ones (like me).

So, how do y0u know you're a genius. Draw Pascal's Triangle to ten rows. Now, can you find a pattern to tell me how many odd numbers are on the nth row? Assume that the first row is row zero. If you want to know that answer, feel free to leave a comment and I'll explain. Don't worry, only like one person figured this one out.

Well, I'm off to a meeting with Barry. I'll see you all later.

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