Thursday, August 18, 2005

An Exercise

Of course, I had band camp yesterday. Yes, it went well. And yes, I still have another week and two days.

And all of you taking AP Calculus can look forward to your homework soon. Guess what the first part is on? Lines! Boo!

I had an interesting thought about a week ago, and I'm going to expand on it now. I realized that this time next year, I'm not going to be at band camp. I'm not even going to be thinking about Chi. In fact, I will be preparing all my stuff to move into college, talking to my roomate, and in general getting psyched out about this new phase of life I'll be moving into. And that's just in a year.

What about in 5 years? At that point, I won't be thinking about High School, where I spent 4 years of my life. I won't be thinking about the college where I spent the next 4 years of my life. No, I'll be thinking about the NEW university that I'll be going to for graduate school. I'll have lost a connection to two places that I've spent a cumulative of 8 years of my life (that's 35% of the life I've lived so far). And I'll just be walking away from it.

10 years? I'll hopefully (if all goes well) actually do that whole Peace Corps thing that I've been talking about. Maybe in 10 years it won't be needed. But I doubt it. I'll be 27. Older than my sister is now.

20 years? I have no idea. I can't even imagine that far into the future. I'll be 37. And 20 years seperated from who and where I am now. That's longer than I've even been alive on this Earth.

I don't know if this blows anyone elses mind like it does mine. It makes me feel so - small. Not in a bad way. It just puts everything into perspective. I've barely lived any of my life to this point. Assuming I live to be 100, I've only lived 17% of my life. That leaves a whopping 83% left to live. And that is crazy.

Well, that's enough of the future thinking. Now back to the present.

Band camp, away we go!

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