Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Patience waits, and waits quietly. It is, regardless of its
appearances to the contrary, a dynamic waiting, pulsing
with vitality. As such, it is closely akin to prayer. Patience
is the climate of deep prayer. Instead of requesting this
or that, patience quietly — that is, without any fanfare —
aligns itself with its Source. Whatever it does, and it may
do nothing at all, is done in the spirit of “Thy Will be

This is not submission, but surrender, a sacred opening
and grounding, an expansion rather than a collapse of
boundaries, a yes that makes wise use of every no. Patience
waits until every last trace of waiting disappears.
Let patience take your hand. Let patience cradle your weary
mind. Give patience your suffering — all you need give in
return is the time that you already have.

The best time — and the only time — for patience is now.
-- Robert Augustus Masters

This is a nice antidote to the impatience that I've been feeling over the past few weeks. I just feel as if something needs to been done in every possible area of doing. However, I must realize the inherent perfection in every single moment.



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