Saturday, April 22, 2006

Experiencing the Non-duality of This Moment -- Or -- Why I'm Feeling Good

Well, this weekend looks to be filled with nothing more than work, work, and more work. The worst part about it is that it's not the sort of work that I "want" to do, but I "have" to do. And I just got up at 12 today, blowing away a good 4 hours of my day. :)

However, the postmodern concept of contexts may help me out in this situation1. I realize that all man-made rules are just that, man-made. Yes, they are just as real as physical laws (if you break them, you will get burned), but at the same time they are different (if you break them, you'll only get burned on average, as opposed to 100% of the time). In fact, they exist at a "higher" level than physical laws (the subtle2 dimension instead of the gross dimension). I think people sometimes forget that man-made laws are just that, MAN-made, and therefore aren't written in stone and don't necessarily apply to all situations. That is why I'll go through a red light when it just turns red if there's noone coming.

Acts of non-violent resistance can also follow this rule of contexts. As I see it, people too often forget that they are completely free to do whatever they want. The correlate of this is of course that other people (not yourself) are completely free to do whatever they want. Therefore, when you're in a situation where you don't want to do something (such as when you're on a bus and really don't want to go to a long ass jazz band competition), you can always simply not act. Then there is nothing the "authority" figure can do to force you to do what they want. They can "punish" you, but that's just more context bound human-created ideas. Not natural punishments. And they can physically try to remove you, but in situation like that, their own context of law and order will inhibit them because the protestors are doing nothing "wrong" by their law.

The point of this being if I have work to do, even work I don't "want" to do, the only reason I'm doing the work is because I choose to do it. Why? Because I don't have to do anything. Not even eat, drink, or live. Everything in life is a choice. Remember that.


PS - Keep in mind I'm not suggesting challenging authority just because the social institution exists. Law and order has it's place in society when it helps to create a general, positive consensus. However, at times, laws become outdated and need to be challenged, simply so that the authority figures can reconsider them. You know, like laws about flip-flops in schools. :)

1 It should be noted that I don't really know the movement of postmoderism all that well. I would love to, but I'm unable to find any good books on the topic, and that's how I learn best. Sigh.

2 Though the idea of a "subtle dimension" (SD) sounds real fluffy duffy, it's grounded well in reality. For example, the SD is where most of math exists. Take the Pythagorean Theorem. Though it "exists," it has no physical meaning. Yes, you can apply it to the gross realm (for example, you can find pythagorean triples in the physical world), but the theorem itself has no physical existence. So the SD is the noosphere, or the place where all human "ideas" exist.

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