Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Insomniac Special

I sat down to meditate tonight, like I do every night, and the thoughts just wouldn't stop flowing. I found it doubtful that they're going to stop in order for me to get some sleep, so I might as well put them into the noosphere so that I can get some shut eye. And because I'm so. Freakin'. Excited.

Let me give a brief synopsis of why I'm all worked up. Over the past three or so months, a never-ending stream of synchronous events have flooded my life with inspiration. I'll probably post the story of my journey down this path sometime this week, just in case anyone's interested in following the breadcrumbs to where I am today. Suffice it to say that as of now, I feel like all the puzzle pieces of my life are slowly falling into place.

The main reason I'm all shook up right now is because Brian Johnson, the CEO and Philosopher King of Zaadz, e-mailed me and gave me a major kick in the pants. A compassionate one, of course. He wants me to get more involved in Zaadz, to really put my youthful (well, I'm not that much younger than him and his crew) fire and enthusiasm into the next generation of zaadzsters. I've been slacking in this for a little over a month now, and it's time to get going.

I feel like all these nodes are opening up all around me. With Zaadz, Villanova, and life in general all ahead of me, things are looking exciting, breathtaking and record-braking. All of this does, however, have a very interesting cathartic affect on me: I'm coming face to face with many of my shadows. The main one: a fear of doing something great. I talk all about how I want to save the world, change the world, etc, but when I actually look at how all my internal chatter goes, I believe I can't. I KNOW I can. I just don't "believe" it. The great thing about shadows, though, is that all you have to do to solve them is shine some light on them. And read more of the Working for Good curriculum.

Wow, I feel a lot better now. All of these ideas just kept popping in and out of my head during meditation (which isn't good meditation etiquette, by the way, except that everything is always already perfect... :) ), and now they're all written down. Or up. However you want to look on it.

Until we meet again, find that place where pleasure and meaning intersect.


PS - There's this Pod on Zaadz called GenZaadz. Totally what I had in mind with Think Bowl. I wonder if I can really start something meaningful in Chi before I leave? Or maybe after I leave? I guess an alumnist would have more clout...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah Dave! Getting emails from people you don't know to join things!

By the way, some useless trivia. Zaad is sperm in dutch. Just thought I'd let you know. Don't ask how I know that.