Sunday, July 17, 2005


Here's a powerful song about abortion that I found. It's really, well, you'd just have to hear it:


You My Child by Stuart Davis

Of all the world's perfections,
we safely may assume
the most blessed and untainted
is the treasure in the womb

We wait for revelations,
some miracle, some sign
and suddenly a life is sparked
it almost seems divine

But both of us are much too young
to know what we believe
and we can't find the answers
in how you were conceived

So you won't feel the rapture
of your mother's first embrace
and I won't see my features
in the contour of your face
we won't hug your body
and press against its warmth
for you my child will not be born

If we fear the grand design
or deny a higher source
it's only that we all prefer
controlling our own course
Because a million things can happen,
and you were just the one
we were the least prepared for,
a daughter or a son

The choice is more than painful,
the wounds may never mend
as we wonder what you might have done
and who you might have been


You really have to hear it to get the full effect. But when you do hear it, wow. I mean, if pro-lifers would use something like this instead of gruesome pictures of mutilated fetuses, they might get further. I'm "pro-choice" (I put the parenthesese because it's really not that simple. As my mom says, "The world's not black and white."), but this touched me. And most people would consider Stuart Davis "liberal." Go figure. Just proves that the world's made up of shades of gray, heck, a whole rainbow!

Anyway, if you haven't bought any of Stuart Davis' music yet, you really should. It's all good stuff. And it's only $1 per song. Come on, do it!

Enough of my peer pressure. One more week of classes, and then one week of team project, and I'm done! Woot. Boot camp? Yeah, something like that.

Enjoy your summer, everyone! And remember, relax! ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm, yeah, good ol' abortion. Of course, just like me, I didn't really read the song, so I have no idea how the song felt about the topic. But I sure do love being able to exercise my rights.