Friday, July 15, 2005

The Lateness Club

Yes, yes we have that here. You see, PGSS is supposed to simulate college life. But no, it doesn't. We have curfews, can't have computers, aren't allowed refrigerators, have to do homework, can't go to the bathroom during class, and can't miss class.

Anyway, I'm just bringing this up because now both Ed and I are part of the lateness club. Mine is from two days ago, when I forgot I had Astrophysics and slept from 2 to 4:30, missing about 15 minutes of Astro. Ed's is from today, when he slept in til 9:10, missing the first 10 minutes of Physics. Admittedly, Ed had been up til late last night, so he had a good excuse.

Anyway, that's about all I've got for now. For some reason I'm all excited about coming home and starting all these projects. I guess a vacation does come in handy every once in a while.

There seems to be a rumor spreading, but I don't like spreading rumors, so I'll wait until the facts are straight before I post about it.

That's all for today. Enjoy.

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