Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hm, I Wonder...

The Rabbi Who Loved Evangelicals

(If you don't have a username, go to and type in to get one.)

Yeah. And some people wonder why other parts of the world (especially the Arab part) hate us. Could it have to do with the fact that we're commercializing religion and trying to bring more Jews (these ones from India) into Isreal?

I'm not justifying anything that has been done by Arab extremists. What they did is obviously wrong on all counts. But at the same time, that doesn't justify US (take that as both the pronoun and the country) going around and sticking our nose where it doesn't belong. Especially if it's to carry out some obscure passage in our Holy Book.

I don't often editorialize (well, that's a lie), but this one just tickled me pink. It reminds me of a billboard on 452 by my house that says something like, "God blesses those who help the kingdom of Isreal," and is funded by the Solid Rock Baptist Church. Isreal is a nation state. It's land on the Earth. It's not inherently Holy. If you were to take all the land from there and dump it somewhere else, which is holy, the original location or the new one? Maybe neither?

I have very little room to speak on this issue since I'm neither Jewish nor an Evangelical Christian. If I've missed some key point in the argument, please forgive me. I never claim that I'm 100% accurate. But from where I see it, that is how I see it.

And now I've used a blog for something that it's actually meant for. Go figure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah... organized religion pisses me off. I was thinking about it all of today because of the "Poisonwood Bible". That book irks me so much because I just want to slap the preacher. He's like, "There is only one God and any of you who believe otherwise will ROT IN HELL! I CANNOT SPEAK TO YOU ON THE SAME LEVEL OF HUMANITY!" Well, anyways... looking forward to your presence back in the humble town of *hack*.. 'xcuse me... Chichester.