Monday, July 04, 2005

The Irony... (Oh, and happy 4th!)

Happy Fourth of July everyone. Time to celebrate that date that really didn't matter in the making of the Declaration of Independence, but that we celebrate anyway. Kind of like Colombus Day, you know, celebrating a crazy rapist guy who wasn't the first person to discover America.

Anyway, I really am happy to be able to live in this country, though I might not sound like it sometimes. It is one of the greatest countries in the world, certainly one of the most free. And luckily from this base of freedom one can branch out and offer real (not military enforced, Christianity backed, economically based) freedom to the world and humanity. It truly is a beautiful thing.

And now to the irony part. So, I'm here at Pennsylvania's Governor's School for the Sciences, which should theoretically turn me on to science even more. But the more I'm here, the more I feel like a good part of science (especially the part I was interested in: theoretical physics) is not as interesting to me as I thought it would be. I want to make a real, tangible difference in the world. What good are a bunch of well fed physicists sitting around discussing string theory when a good deal of people in the world are starving from a poorly formed governmental system / aid system. I don't know, I just feel like philosophy / humanities work is so much more relevant to the real world.

Admittedly, this might just be because all the things I'm doing here just barely put me over the tip of the water. And I feel a bit homesick. So, this might all be a moot point.

Anyway, I have to get to class. Peace!

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