Thursday, March 02, 2006

The "Why?" Always Supplies the "How?"

Isn't it interesting how the why always gives the how? I mean, if you really, really want something, and you know why you want it, somehow suddenly all the hows fall into place.

Take brushing my teeth for example. This daily chore can quickly become just that, a chore. It's something I have to do every day, once a day (I don't do it twice a day, even though that's recommended), and it's not all that interesting. Some days (gasp) I decide not to brush, because I know my teeth will be there the next day. I don't have any cavities, so this plan has yet to failm me.

I decided that I want to know why I should care about brushing my teeth. I mean, since childhood I've been told, "Oh, you'll get cavities. You don't want to get cavities!" Sorry, that just isn't a good enough why. So, I did a little research and came across a WebMD article about teeth brushing. It says something to the affect of, "Brush your teeth because there's a direct link between periodontal health and overall body health." That's a lot better than, "The cavity monsters will get you!"

And now with the why, I'll find it much easier to figure out how to find the motivation to brush.

Yes, a little dull and everyday. But in Zen, it's said that if you are going to brush your teeth, then BRUSH YOUR TEETH.


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