Saturday, October 01, 2005

This (Video) Game Called Life

More and more as of late I've been viewing my life as some sort of weird video game. Not really in a conscious manner, but rather through the way I get excited about activities / life in general. Like, when I have to get something done, I feel this unusual excitement about doing it. Especially if it's something that will directly benefit me (e.g. exercising). It reminds me a lot of how I'd feel back in the day (oh, 3 or 4 years ago) when I'd play RPGs. In those games, I'd play for hours just "leveling up" my characters. Literally not playing the game, just gaining experience points to make the game easier.

And in a way, I guess that's what exercising / meditating / eating right / having fun is all about. It prepares you to get through life, to make it easier. Because life is difficult. It never becomes un-difficult. But you can still make it a little easier.

So, not doing all those activities enumerated above, you can still get through life. You can even get through life well. But I always want to get things done in the most efficient, easy, and beneficial ways. I'm just weird like that. And I therefore get a kick out of "leveling" myself up.

And so I'm left with another metaphor to describe life: as a video game.


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