Friday, January 13, 2006


Well, that little epic poem came about in a burst of inspiration. I just had the realization that apathy kills. Literally.

And so does hesitancy. And so does sloth.

But yet here I am, sitting in my little room, looking at my little screen, interacting in little ways.

Have you ever just wanted to run outside, and just walk. To nowhere in particular, just around. Well, that's how I feel right now. But yet, I'm still here. Partly because I don't want to deal with the cold. Partly because I don't want to deal with the dangers of dark. And partly because I'm too lazy.

I really want to do something. Something related to community service, or to being human. Like a club or something. But God knows I'm not the right person to start a club.

Unless I am.

Just thought I'd share how I think sometimes. I only get this way every once in a while. Really frazzled like. But when I get this way, there's this giant tension knot that needs relieving. And it doesn't want to give.

Peace in every step.


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