Thursday, September 01, 2005

Marching Band, Anger and Guitar

I don't really have anything interesting to report. But I just felt like it's been too long since I've posted, so I have to put something up.

I was going to put up an angry post about marching band. But the anger's kinda vanished. But I suppose I'll elucidate on my previous angry state. Today in marching band, we didn't get as far as we "needed to." I don't know what "needed to" means, but I suppose someone does. Anyway, I personally thought we didn't get far enough just because we didn't. No one really to blame. It's just what happened.

But instead, the blame was placed on "us." We were apparently talking too much. Well, I'm with the brass, and we tend to behave. So from where I was standing, there wasn't all this "excessive talking" going on. But I realize there is a lot of room for error here.

Anyway, I just don't like random blaming of things, as you could see with my post about Katrina. Same thing here. I don't see why someone had to be blamed for us not getting something done. It's just what happened. And mad yelling won't make it better.

Heh, well, I guess there was still a teeny-tiny bit of pent up anger there. :)

On a completely different note, man does playing guitar hurt your fingers. Like, seriously. I need to build up some callouses so that it doesn't hurt as much. Not like I'm a guitar playing fiend or anything. I can just barely play the intros to two Stuart Davis songs. But I'm working on it. And it's fun. I think I like non-wind instruments more than the t-bone. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the t-bone. But you can't just whip it out and start jamming on a toon. Doesn't work that way.

And somehow I managed to throw something half decent together. How about that!

Well, come see the Chichester Marching Band tomorrow at the football game. It's at Chi High (I don't know the time)!


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