Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Intertia is a Property of Matter (and Life)

Today in Academic Physic we talked about inertia. And the discussion got me to thinking.

As we all know, "intertia is a property of matter" (thanks Bill Nye!). It's something (scientists don't know what) interlinked with mass that creates a tendency for objects to remain doing what they're doing. Pretty much, they'll keep moving or not, depending on whether or not something happens to them. That's why if I were to - say - eject you out of a spaceship in space, you'd keep moving. Indefinitely. Until you reached some force (whether field or contact).

That's great. Inertia is a property of matter. But the more I thought about it (okay, there's a LOT of time to do this sort of thinking in Physics :) ), the more I realized that intertia is a property of just about everything. More specifically, I was thinking of how it's a property of life, or more specifically, how one lives ones life.

Think about it. How often do people get stuck in ruts? I guess I shouldn't be making generalizations. Let's say, think of how many times I've gotten into ruts. Feel free to apply this to yourself, if you so see fit. It's so common for me to just get into a habit or a pattern of thinking. And that thing just gets stuck. It seems like nothing will move it. Or stop it. Whatever the case may be.

But that's the funny thing. Life, which consists mostly of changes, big or small, requires some sort of inertia-less-ness. A life well lived is a life free to move, or to stop, as appropriate. Therefore, just sitting on your butt, or conversely running around like a mad man, won't get you by 100% of the time.

Life's one big dance with inertia. And the best way get down with this dance partner is to stay light and free. Shake off those nasty thought patterns. Boogie away those habits. Literally, get yourself moving. That PHYSICAL movement will help to fix the MENTAL and SPIRITUAL blocks that you might be feeling.

Or if you're feeling overwhelmed, just sit down. Take a few breaths. Take some time to just sit. Don't think. Don't worry. Be happy. Just by sitting.

Try a mix of these two. Who hasn't just sat in their room, turned up the music, and let it wash away their worries? Or gone out and just walked, for the sake of walking?

And this is just another strike at "effing the ineffable." Another metaphor that you can use to describe the undescribable that is life.

Thanks for getting through this post. I've found more and more that I enjoy writing. And reading. Just for the beauty of the medium. So, hopefully I'll post more often.

I might even post again today. If not, enjoy today. And tomorrow. And that day after tomorrow.


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