Thursday, May 03, 2007


Well, it's a little less than an hour until 4, and I'm already done all my [important] finals. How does it feel, you ask? Amazing! Like, I can't even begin to describe it. Sure, the adrenaline rush will pass in a few hours and I'll pass back into my everyday stuppor [now with MUCH less studying]. But for now I think I'll just bathe in this state of consciousness for a little bit. Aaaah.

I had my Discrete Math and O Chem finals today, and both were a lot easier than I thought they would / should be. I'm not going to complain though. I got out of both with an hour to spare, which isn't something that I normally manage. Assuming I didn't suck [which really isn't too big an assumption using the method of induction], I should be getting low to mid A's on both tests.

Ironically, though not too surprisingly, I think that my grade is going to be hurt most by my two lab classes this semester. I'll probably get some sort of a B in both of them. I'm hoping for an A in all my other classes. Who ever said that a scientist had to be practical... Oh, wait. Yeah... Never mind.

All I have left is funtastic fun time Cell Bio. And you know what they say about bio. Um, well, hm. It's not Chem?

I hope everyone has a beautifultastic day today. I'm going to be on celebrate mode for the next 48 hours!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, Dave's almost done! I won't be able to come up to UC though. I'm going to see Spiderman 3 with my family. I believe they have first rights... you know. Haven't been home in a while.

Well, good luck on your unimportant finals. See you in... I don't know when.